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Viveport SDKs and Downloads

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Viveport Scene SDK Preview - download here



Today, we’re announcing the early release of the Viveport Scene SDK, a new toolset that will help developers create immersive VR Previews that will be showcased in Viveport. The Viveport Scene SDK will allow developers to engage customers with their content before purchase or rental, by generating:


  • VR Previews: Rich and interactive 3D environments streamed dynamically to the viewer on Viveport to increase engagement and customer conversion.
  • VR Skyboxes: Immersive "360 preview images" that surround the user as they browse the content grid in the Viveport store. 

We believe that the tools contained in the SDK will help developers increase conversion, drive discoverability, and engage users prior to download. Content that includes a VR Preview will be showcased in a special category across Viveport endpoints when we launch our new immersive Viveport discovery experience for consumers this Fall.



Download the Viveport Scene SDK, including documentation, directly here - 385Mb ZIP


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Navmesh shaders:

Custom/Vive Movement Border

Custom/Vive Movement Grid


are displayed as pink (missing shader) when the preview is run under ViveSceneSDKTestbed.exe with a navmesh.

I'm using Unity 2017.2.0f3

Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening?

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