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How Do I Submit My App?



Can't wait to share your content with the world? Well, your journey begins at Viveport. Let's get started...


  • First, visit the Viveport Developer Console HERE and sign in with your HTC Account. Now if you don't have an account yet, don't panic, just create one and swing back around to the console page. And then...

  • Add a new experience. Enter the title of your amazing app, select the platform you want to push your content to and then sit back, grab a glass of your favorite tasty beverage, and read and agree to the terms of the Viveport Platform Agreement so we can make your dreams come true.

  • Fill out the details. We really want to get to know...your app. So please provide all the required information, assets and finally the build.

  • Submit. Our team is standing by to shepherd your app through the review process. If any issues arise, we will reach out and work with you to get things in order. But once everything is rocking and rolling, your app will be published and welcomed into the world.

That's about it. Just in case, you can check out the content submission guidelines below, but come back to the community to answer any additional questions you may have. 


Submission Guidelines for Viveport

English: https://developer.viveport.com/documents/developer-guide-vive

Chinese: https://developer.viveport.com/documents/developer-guide-chs


We're open for business and look forward to your creations!



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