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  1. I should add you'd need to make corresponding changes in WaveVR_Render:lines388-392 if you are scaling up. Basically anywhere Interop.WVR_GetRenderTargetSize is used... // Setup render values uint w = 0, h = 0; Interop.WVR_GetRenderTargetSize(ref w, ref h); sceneWidth = (float)w * 1.2f; sceneHeight = (float)h * 1.2f; @Cotta
  2. In our experience, changing XRSettings.eyeTextureResolutionScale has no effect, as the Wave SDK uses a more low-level rendering pipeline that disregards a lot of the Unity XR support. We've had success changing the following code in WaveVR_TextureManager:lines 372-378 (although it feels a little inelegant to be hacking around inside the SDK!) int size = Mathf.Max(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height); uint w = (uint)size; uint h = (uint)size; if (!Application.isEditor) Interop.WVR_GetRenderTargetSize(ref w, ref h); int screenWidth = (int)(w * 0.5); int screenHeight = (int)(h * 0.5); I'd recommend against twice the default resolution unless your game is using extremely simple pixel shaders; this will end up rendering 4x the effective pixels! We get pretty decent results with a value of 1.2 when we want to reduce aliasing issues, without affecting performance too much.
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