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  1. Hi I get this error WVR_WaveVR WaveVR() initialize simulator failed, exception: System.DllNotFoundException: WaveVR_Simulator All is updated, so don´t know what it is? WVR_WaveVR WaveVR() initialize simulator failed, exception: System.DllNotFoundException: WaveVR_Simulator at (wrapper managed-to-native) WaveVR_Utils:WVR_SetPrintCallback_S (WaveVR_Utils/debugcallback) at WaveVR..ctor () [0x000da] in /Unity/Zinus/Zinus_WaveVR/Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR.cs:185 UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) WaveVR_Log.Log:e(String, String, Boolean) (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR_Log.cs:66) WaveVR:PrintErrorLog(String) (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR.cs:44) WaveVR:.ctor() (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR.cs:198) WaveVR:get_Instance() (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR.cs:53) HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement.WaveVRModule:OnNewPoses(Object[]) (at Assets/HTC.UnityPlugin/VRModule/Modules/WaveVRModule.cs:380) Event:Send(String, Object[]) (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR_Utils.cs:249) <RenderLoop>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/WaveVR/Scripts/WaveVR_Render.cs:728)
  2. I dont get the simulator server running. That is supposed to be in the unity engine right? And I cant find the icon on the focus. Where will I find the icon? Can it be due to some .net framework? I would suppose that I start the simulator. Start my game in unity and the events from the controller and movement of the headset would be the ones used in the game right?
  3. Is there a trick to this one? Cant seem to get it working?
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