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  1. 'SetOverlayAutoCurveDistanceRangeInMeters' method has been long broken and was removed in recent steamVR plugins. https://steamcommunity.com/app/358720/discussions/0/1642045003593829934/ Referring to this article, it seems SRWorks_Experience is valid until SteamVR 2.3, and broken after any updates later than August. From then on, the 'SetOverlayAutoCurveDistanceRangeInMeters' is completely removed from the SteamVR script and any SRWorks script that tries to access this will throw errors. Be sure to select the appropriate version of SteamVR plugin from the link to run your ViveSR_Experience script. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/releases @Jad @Daniel_Y
  2. @Tony PH Lin PM sent to request for the Beta version. I'm very eager to try this out for RTX 2070.
  3. I've always wanted to connect SRworks with Vive wireless to make an AR application. Is there any plans to make SRworks compatible with Vive wireless?
  4. I am having the exact same problem with the 2018 trackers. 1)sometimes a vive tracker would refuse to turn on.(This is not a hardware button problem) 2)If I supply power(via PC or charger) through micro USB, it temporarily 'resumes' the ability to turn on when button is pressed. 3)after a tracker is left out without any charging for around 30min-1hr, it will resume the same symptom as 1), even if it is fully charged! 4)This symptom can happen to random trackers(there might be patterns). Ones that are affected can sometimes work fine someday, and the same symptom can appear on other trackers.(Even new ones!) I've had at least four trackers on two different PCs kind of randomly being affected by this software turning on issue. This is a recent development that has been plaguing me for around 2wks. I'm suspecting the newer steamVR update & firmware update as accountable. 1)SteamVR update reintroduced an old error : https://forum.unity.com/threads/steamvr-update-no-controllers-in-unity-games-error-bindings-for-unity-exe-was-not-set.534336/ -This false-alarm no binding message gets to pop up everytime I try to run an application, and has to be manually turned off by the controller 2)Firmware update or SteamVR Update introduced the new 'vive tracker not-turning-on' problem. -This 'tracker-strike' issue can affect every tracker for the right circumstances. -Possibly re-wiring your tracker to your PC directly and re-pairing them seems to be helpful. The devs should provide a solution to this problem soon enough. Recent updates introduced so many unforeseen errors that developing with Vive nowadays is becoming riskier. Not to mention that I kind of started to fear any updates on SteamVR and hardwares, even if they are stable versions!
  5. For now, I am also waiting for replies from the developers, though I'm not expecting an update on January, since it is just the beginning of an end of the holiday season. Also, I haven't tried SRworks with Unity 5.5 or 5.6 version, but I doubt if it can run smoothly with Unity version 2+ years ago. I've found 2018.3.x versions cannot run SRworks with GTX 1080, though the 2018.2.20f can. Maybe you can somehow backup your current Unity version and try with 2018.2.20f for SRworks
  6. Thank you for your attention in the issue! I've only tested the a) Unity .exe build for SRworks & SRWorks Experience demo b) Unity Plugins for SRworks & SRWorks Experience with SteamVR 1.2.3 for now. Both have issues in Titan V installed PC, though I couldn't know why this issues are not present with GTX1080 & GTX1060. I'm currently trying to run the C sample at the moment and will post the results soon. Here's the additional configuration environment of the system 1. Unity(2018.2.20f), SteamVR (1.2.1 beta) 2. Nvidia driver (417.35)->or Dec.12th version(which is the latest) for Titan V 3. This post was for the "Vive_SRWorks_Demo.exe" & "Vive_SRWorks.exe" in the Build-Unity- folder -However, the Unity Plugins for SRWorks & Experience & combined with SteamVR 1.2.3 plugin also results in UNITY editor freezing without error messages. -Here are the full log(haven't found how to upload text files so I pasted the full log here for Titan V & GTX1080) 4-1. The full log for "SRWorks.log" for Titan V(.exe file for Experience demo) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] SRWorks Version[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32440.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 3690.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU : TITAN V[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU driver : 41735[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 3202.460938[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 16[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn 4-2. The full log for "SRWorks.log" for GTX1080 PC for the .exe file(which runs smoothly) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] SRWorks Version[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 16303.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 5127.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU : GeForce GTX 1080[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU driver : 41170[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 2186.050781[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 12[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] using device : LHR-00658F6C[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-00658F6C\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] using device : LHR-00658F6C[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-00658F6C\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] TurnOn[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] TurnOn end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] initialization mode 0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] initialization mode end0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] f-> x:272.992523 y:272.992523[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] m-> x:320.000000 y:240.000000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] size->640:480[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] DepthWorldMinMax->0.200000:10.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] model path : C:/Users/motionlab2/Desktop/Vive_SRWorks/SRworks_Build-Unity-[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] stage 1 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] stage 2 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] stage 3 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 257[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Memery alocated[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM6-4_MODE1_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] Vive Depth Spatial Destruction[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] status : 1118481[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase3[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] STP_WORKs_ prepare release memory[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetParamBool_10019UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetCmdBool_10024UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] CLM_10029UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:24] [LOG] UnitySetGraphicsDevice:: D3D11
  7. I ran the same test with the Unity SRWorks & SRWorks Experience plugins 1)Unity-2018.2.20f (2018.3.xf or 2018.2.19f cannot run these SDK scenes as 2.19f and 3.x break packages) 2)PC - GTX1080 PC & Titan V PC 3)SteamVR - 1.2.1 beta & 1.1.4 The same problem persists with the Titan V PC, while GTX1080 PC can run the Unity scenes without issues. I also report Unity freezing with memory leaks for the Titan V PC. Unity editor does not respond. The Logs in the Unity project is the same for the SRWorks build application. ~~Logs on initialization without errors on config or path~~ [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL]____[LOG] TurnOn, and then nothing.
  8. I've tested Vive_SRWorks_Demo Unity Build( on three PCs. 1)PC1- Titan V 2)PC2- GTX-1080 3)PC3- GTX-1060 2),3) starts the demo, then GTX-1060 fails to proceed because of performance issues. The problem, of course lies with 1) equipped with the Titan V GPU. I've already checked all the followins available in the forum -Checked Camera Settings and Enabled on SteamVR -SteamVR is latest version (1.2.1 Beta or 1.1.4 both) -Graphics drivers are latest version -all the LHR json config files for PC with issue were renewed with re-generated json files from console. -All steamVR paths are default installation paths. The problem with the Titan V equipped PC is that it fails after starting the [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] All the log between all PCs show same lines before that. ~~~all initializations are good then... [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn ~~~then bam from this log(PC1 does not update the log after this while others access other functions of [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] ~~ Therefore, 'reconstruction' log file is not generated for PC1, while PC2,3 proceed with StartModule() in Vive SRWorks creating 'reconstrution' log files 1) Here is the full log for the PC1-Titan [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] SRWorks Version [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+ [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32440.000000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 3690.000000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU : TITAN V [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU driver : 41735 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 3202.460938 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 16 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] found steam install path [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8 [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using system : lighthouse [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000 [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000 [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found steam install path [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8 [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using system : lighthouse [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000 [JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000 [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start [ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start [ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2 [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn 2) And now here is the full log from PC2-GTX1080 [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 257 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Memery alocated [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273 [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start pass [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() check pass [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start pass [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start [ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first) [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM6-4_MODE1_00000 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase1 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_start [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff ->TitanV PC fails after this point, but other PCs persist after this... [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_start [ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S [ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff [ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end [ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] Vive Depth Spatial Destruction [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_start [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] status : 1118481 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_start [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase3 [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] STP_WORKs_ prepare release memory [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() end [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetParamBool_10019UNKONW_MODULE [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetCmdBool_10024UNKONW_MODULE [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] CLM_10029UNKONW_MODULE [Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:24] [LOG] UnitySetGraphicsDevice:: D3D11 I would like to know how to run the demo with PC1 settings. Have anybody solved this issue?
  9. Any progress on this issus? I'm having trouble running the Unity build files for Vive_SRWorks_Demo -build version -GPU: Titan V -SteamVR: 1.2.1 beta & 1.1.4 both -tried json regeneration on Lighthouse pathway, checked SteamVR install path(which is default) GPU -driver: latest version The demo build runs well on PC with GTX1080 as GPU. Log stops updating after [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL]____[LOG] TurnOn, and the program freezes, leaking memory to 97-98%
  10. I've tried to run Vive_SRWorks_Demo Unity Build in two PCs. Both were treated the same procedure before running -Check for LHR device that is to be used -C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse was all cleared and relaunched SteamVR to remake these files and configs -C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win64 -> generated lighthouse console.exe was ran to generate a config file and pasted it to relevant LHR folder config file -Checked the camera in SteamVR/Settings/Camera -Made sure controllers were on when running the Unity application *The PC with Titan does not respond and freezes. (I do glimpse a white square in the window that syncs with the camera movement at startup for like 100ms, and then the whole application freezes) *The PC with GTX 1080 runs the demo application. 1)PC 1: GPU-TitanV Failed to run Unity build with this one -Updated with latest NVidia drivers(12/12) 2)PC 2: GPU-GTX-1080 Do not know why this PC works -Updated with latest NVidia drivers The log file for the Titan V PC ends just as the -[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL][timestamp for the action][LOG]TurnOn is called. The log is then not updated, as the application freezes... No additional log is created. In contrast, the GTX-1080 PC proceeds with the seethrough with additional logs about undistortion parameters and then proceeds with starting the Modules. The application then creates log file of "reconstruction" at the "previouspaths\Vive_SRWorks\Build-Unity-\Experience". I suspect there might be an issue with the graphic care and the Vive-Pro's camera. Is there any way to run the SRWorks demo build with Titam V graphics card.
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