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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Hi @MarijnSELink, Please update your Wave XR Plugin to latest version and try again to see if your 3D model will move abit when you walk around.
  2. Hi @MarijnSELink, May I know which Unity and Wave SDK versions you used for your project?
  3. Hi @Ring, For myself, I will do the followings, private Color? recOriginalColor = null; //In your show passthrough underlay function, add below code before calling Interop API Camera.main.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; if (recOriginalColor == null) recOriginalColor = Camera.main.backgroundColor; Camera.main.backgroundColor = Color.white * 0; //In your hide passthrough underlay function, add below code before calling Interop API Camera.main.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; if (recOriginalColor.HasValue) Camera.main.backgroundColor = recOriginalColor.Value; else Camera.main.backgroundColor = new Color(49f / 255f, 77f / 255f, 121f / 255f, 5f / 255f); Let me know if you still have issues.
  4. Hi @VShirokun, Please try updating VIU to latest version and try again. If your problem is not resolved, I guess there might be some bugs in the PicoVRModule that you have created.
  5. Hi @Jasonwithabs, You can refer to the scripts in Assets\ViveHandTracking\Scripts\CustomGesture folder. I suggest to install VIU which supports multi-platforms, so that your project can switch to other platform seemlessly. You can refer to ScissorsPaperRock which I wrote to recognize user throwing Scissors, Paper and Rock gestures. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. NOTE: Do not import multiple SDKs in single project
  6. Hi @Jasonwithabs, As you mentioned you said Vive Hand Tracking SDK works great for your project, I am wondering what did you use in for your project?
  7. Hi @CarolJenkins, Please check this out. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
  8. Hi @Romain, According to the document, you should not use WVR_PollEventQueue. To receive the WVR_EventType_RenderingToBePaused and WVR_EventType_RenderingToBeResumed you refer to the WaveEssence.cs. Instead of listening to events, you can check the CommonUsages.UserPresence value.
  9. Hi @jboss, The Vive you are referring to AIO(mobile) or PCVR?
  10. Hi @houb3, SRanipal is for PCVR. For Focus 3, you will need to use Wave SDK. Of cause, you still can use SRanipal's sample scene(including scripts) for development. Just you will need to spend some time to update the script to run on AIO device.
  11. Hi @houb3, Yes, you can connect eye tracker to the bottom port of the headset and use another cable to connect to PC using the side port. For SDK, please use the latest Wave SDK (5.2.0-r.8).
  12. Hi @JHibbins, Do you mean the Quality Settings was changed from Medium to Very Low?
  13. Hi @1099, Yes, you are able to use a virtual keyboard in the sample scene (IMETest). There is no prefab included. You can refer to the script for reference. Assets\Samples\VIVE Wave XR Plugin - Essence\<your sdk version>\Essence\IMEMgr_Test\Scripts\IMETest_Manager.cs
  14. Hi @JHibbins, Could you try with a new Unity project and import Wave XR SDK? Please double check your project is using Android platform, thanks!
  15. Hi @1099, Please refer to this link, and under Installation>Adding the Vive Registry.
  16. Hi @1099, Please refer to below screenshots and import the samples. You can find it at Assets\Samples\VIVE Wave XR Plugin - Essence\<SDK version>\Essence\IMEMgr_Test\.
  17. Hi @1099, You will need to implement virtual keyboard for AIO devices such as Oculus headsets or VIVE headsets. UGUI example scene only supports PCVR device. For VIVE Focus device, you can refer to this link.
  18. Hi @tamasa, Regarding cross platform, I recommend you to use Vive Input Utility(VIU) which can lighten your work. One time coding and you can build your project for PCVR or mobile VR.
  19. Hi @tamasa, It looks like you use the Assets > Samples > Wave > XR > XR > Controller > ControllerSample scene to test. This is a known issue caused by Unity Input System Since you already imported the Essence package, you can refer to another controller sample, e.g. Assets > Wave > Essence > Controller > Model > {version} > Demo > Scenes those will not encounter this issue. Sorry for the late response.
  20. Hi @tamasa, Could you provide log for further investigation? Thanks! By the way, are you using Input Action to get controller position?
  21. Hi @1099, Here is a sample code that you can do snap turn. private float prePadXAxis = 0f; void update() { var padXAxis = ViveInput.GetAxisEx(ControllerRole.RightHand, ControllerAxis.PadX); if (prePadXAxis == 0f && padXAxis < 0f) { transform.Rotate(0f, -10f, 0f); prePadXAxis = padXAxis; } else if (prePadXAxis == 0f && padXAxis > 0f) { transform.Rotate(0f, 10f, 0f); prePadXAxis = padXAxis; } else prePadXAxis = padXAxis; } You need to attach this script to the root(VROrigin) of your ViveCameraRig. All the children(like pointers) will take effect to the rotation.
  22. Hi @1099, May I know what is your goal? In Simulator, we added rotate feature due to user has no actual HMD. But in Quest 2 or Focus 3, user can rotate HMD by turning the head. Are you looking for something like snap turn?
  23. Hi @saltyseabeard, Do you mind sharing a sample project for further investigation? Thanks!
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