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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Hi @yowji, Please provide the log for further investigation. adb logcat > xxx.txt Capture before you launch app until it crashes and return to Launcher. Thanks!
  2. Hi @yowji, Which version are you using for your project? What is the error log when you launch your app on Focus 3 device?
  3. Hi @1099, Thanks for your feedback, I will discuss internally and improve VIU simulator if it is possible to fulfill your needs.
  4. Hi @1099, ViveInput.GetPress or ViveInput.GetPressEx can work for all supported controller types. Why you said it only works for Vive controller? Is there any issue? Please let us know.
  5. Hi @1099, For the simulator, you only able to control the input by selecting individually. We did not design when controlling all devices.
  6. Hi @1099, Could you explain more on what actually you need? You can also use the method from Unity, just it is different when using VIU.
  7. Hi @1099, For me, after click on Play, I can rotate left or right by moving the mouse. Then I can move all devices by pressing WSADEQ keys. What will happen after you press those keys?
  8. Hi @1099, Using VIU, you can use below method to get button input. ViveInput.GetPress(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu) or ViveInput.GetPressEx(ControllerRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu)
  9. Hi @ashum, In 2019.4, which SDK version did you use? Is the project settings the same when upgrading to Unity 2021.3?
  10. Hi @1099, After revised your script, I got it working with below solution, public GameObject cube; private void OnEnable() { ViveInput.AddListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButton); } private void OnDisable() { ViveInput.RemoveListenerEx(HandRole.RightHand, ControllerButton.Menu, ButtonEventType.Down, menuButton); } private void menuButton() { cube.SetActive(!cube.activeSelf); } If you still have issue, please let me know, thanks!
  11. Hi @1099, By default, after you pressed Play in Unity, it will control your HMD, left/right controllers at the same time. If you tend to select only one device, click on ESC to return to all devices. Check the top HMD 0, 1, 2, if all show white color means you are controlling all devices.
  12. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, Could you try pushing joystick up and pressed? I think DPadUp is not just pushing joystick up without pressing the joystick. You can try using DPadUpTouch, see if it can trigger without pressing the joystick.
  13. Hi @jokke, After checking with my Colleague, he said you can do the following method, VivePoseTracker poseTracker = go.GetComponent<VivePoseTracker>();poseTracker.viveRole.SetEx<TrackerRole>(TrackerRole.Tracker1); Hope this helps, feel free to ask questions if you have any.
  14. Hi @jokke, I will check with my colleague whether it is possible to modify ViveRole property. Could you add the prefabs to the scene and set active to false? When you need it, enable them by using script.
  15. Hi @jokke, Could you check this out to see if this is ok for your case?
  16. Hi @seb87, I assume there might be some errors in other scripts. Do you mind remove VIU and let the Unity to compile without errors?
  17. Hi @seb87, Could you copy the Scripting Define Symbols in Edit>Project Settings>Player>Android tab on the right side and show it to me? If you can fix that compile error coming from VIU, please do so.
  18. Hi @seb87, Could you share the project to me for further investigation? I don't think VIVE OpenXR Plugin - Android can seamlessly switch from VIVE OPENXR Plugin - Windows. Any error shows in your Unity Editor console?
  19. Hi @taa11, Is the above solution works on your side?
  20. Hi @taa11, I found the problem and you just need to change as follows, Let me know if you still have issue. NOTE: It is under Windows settings tab, not Android.
  21. Hi @taa11, That tutorial didn't mention it is for running on VBS. I will check your project and get back to you ASAP.
  22. Hi @taa11, Could you share those posted tutorials that you found? Are you able to share your project for us to check too?
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