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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Could you list the steps and any error message you got after the SRanipal program failed to launch?
  2. I think that might be the reason why your facial tracker won't work. I did not try the Valve Index's facial tracker with SRanipal. May I know which facial tracker you use for your Valve Index?
  3. Hi @nargon10, You did install the SDK and also the SRanipal Runtime? By the way, you mentioned the facial tracker, is it Vive Pro Eye?
  4. Hi @WWU, Please try to clean up your defined symbols and let your project recompile. Go to Edit>Project Settings>Player>Scripting Define Symbols, clear this field and let Unity recompile. Another method is add "VIU_WAVE_XRSDK_4_2_90_OR_NEWER" to your Scripting Define Symbols list.
  5. Hi @MaxenceQNT, In VIU, there is a teleport example scene(Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Examples\4.Teleport\). I think you could refer to the teleportable.cs. Please try that scene using controller to teleport, let me know if you have questions, thanks!
  6. @jwatson Just curious why you will need to check headset's ROM version. Could you briefly list in what situation you will need to set a minimum value for your case? Thanks!
  7. @jboss Just to clarify that VIU did not have popup keyboard. VIU only adds overlay keyboard when using SteamVR Plugin. Other SDKs such as Oculus or Wave, VIU did not provide any. Your statement "If Requires System Keyboard is disabed the VIU popup keyboard will not work" is not true. 😅
  8. @jboss After comparing between your project and mine, I can confirm that VIU is not the root cause to this issue. I did upgrade your project to latest VIU v1.14.1 and everything works fine. After comparing your Oculus plugin with mine, I found below difference and it is the root cause to the virtual keyboard issue. Let me know if you still got other issue, thanks!
  9. @jboss I just private message you, please check your Messages, thanks!
  10. @nickmoseley It seems like you are using XR Interaction Toolkit. Are you using device based or action based? I suggest you can use Vive Input Utility for cross-platform project. If you still run into issues, could you share a sample project for us to check? Thanks!
  11. @nickmoseley Could you try delete the AndroidManifest.xml file under Assets\Plugins\Android folder and try again?
  12. @DDFS Are you referring to VIVE Plugins means Wave SDKs and Vive Input Utility? For Windows platform, you don't have to install Wave SDKs as it is for Android platform. For Vive Input Utility, it can help you for cross-platform projects. Selecting which building platform doesn't matter. Just change to correct platform when you want to build and run on your device. NOTE: if your project wants to run on Oculus device, I suggest to remove Wave SDKs entirely
  13. @jboss Unfortunately, I couldn't get VIU v1.12.2 to show virtual keyboard in UGUI sample scene. I am not sure what is missing or different from yours. Or are you able to share a sample project that can show virtual keyboard in UGUI sample scene? Thanks!
  14. @jboss Thanks for your information, I will check and see if I can find the root cause ASAP. For wrapper version 1.52.0, Oculus Integration version is 20.1. I think you forgot to list the Oculus XR Plugin(Package Manager) version that you installed in your both projects.
  15. @DDFS Yes, that's correct, and are you able to build apk and run on your device?
  16. @jboss You mentioned using VIU v1.12.2 works for input field overlay keyboard. Did you try with UGUI sample scene with VIU v1.12.2 too? It will work fine? If it works in v1.12.2, I will try to find the root cause and fix it ASAP. Please list your versions(Unity Editor and installed/imported SDKs) too, thanks!
  17. @DDFS After adding scope registry, you can go to Window>Package Manager>My Registries (dropdown list from top left corner). Let me know if you still have problem accessing the latest Wave SDK.
  18. @DDFS You can refer to this guideline for building apk and install on Focus 3 headset. I see that your plugin is kinda old, 3.2.0. Let me know if you have questions, thanks!
  19. @DDFS You are not able to install and run apk on HTC Vive headset.
  20. @lily_iniad I found a project from GitHub, not sure if this can help you out. You might need to porting this project to make it work with Vive Pro.
  21. @dwmInteractive You already tried using Unity 2020? Although it says recommended Unity version is 2019.4.15, you can still use newer version such as 2019.4.28 or maybe 2020.
  22. @lily_iniad One method I can think of by increasing your game load that will increase CPU/GPU loading then the FPS will drop. Not sure if this method is suitable for you and don't enable ATW/ASW(render prediction).
  23. @lily_iniad It seems Application.targetFrameRate only works in Editor mode, it will not work after you build and run on Vive Pro. Correct me if I am wrong.
  24. @lily_iniad I found this from Unity website, it says "Additionally if the QualitySettings.vSyncCount property is set, the targetFrameRate will be ignored and instead the game will use the vSyncCount and the platform's default render rate to determine the target frame rate." Will it is because you set vSyncCount to 0, that's why targetFrameRate is ignored. Could you try not to set vSyncCount, will targetFrameRate stay at 30?
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