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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. @pjchardt Could you list the versions for Unity XR Plugin(Oculus XR Plugin?) that you installed in your project? Did you import any SDK(Oculus Integration)?
  2. @SolidJuho This is a known issue that we haven't update it to the public version. Please modify below script to fix it manually. In Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\ViveInput\ControllerState.cs, line 221, // update hair trigger var rawTriggerPressed = currState.GetButtonPress(VRModuleRawButton.Trigger); var prevTriggerPressed = GetPress(ControllerButton.Trigger, true); var currTriggerPressed = currTriggerValue == 0f ? rawTriggerPressed : (prevTriggerPressed ? currTriggerValue >= 0.45f : currTriggerValue >= 0.55f); Let me know if this still did not fix your issue. Thanks!
  3. @SolidJuho Another quick question, did you try your script in VIU's Example scene?
  4. @SolidJuho Which Unity Editor version did you use? You mean trigger is not working for all(GetPress, GetAxis and GetTrigger)?
  5. @AlGolden It depends on what is your expectations. Do you want your controller to rotate during lost tracking? METHOD1 Your controllers can still rotate at fixed position after lost tracking. In Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\VRModule\Modules\UnityXRModuleBase.cs, line 200, currState.isPoseValid = true || GetDeviceFeatureValueOrDefault(device, CommonUsages.isTracked); METHOD2 Your controllers will be freeze after lost tracking. 1. Enable the ColliderEventCaster game object (yellow box) 2. Empty the "On Is Valid Changed" under PoseTracker (red box) Let me know if this does not fixed your issue, thanks!
  6. @AlGolden After further investigation, we found out that Oculus XR Plugin will report isPoseValid=false which leads to release game object. In below screenshot, if pose is invalid, ColliderEventCaster will be SetActive false. But for the case using Vive Focus Plus, the controller is using ultrasonic + IMU fusion tracking. I believe the isPoseValid should be true when controller is connected. There are several workarounds if you want to align the behavior. Or you can import Oculus Integration Unity SDK.
  7. @Alex798 Yes, by using Oculus Integration, that issue is not present. Please let me know if you still having issue. And, we will need time to find the root cause and fix it.
  8. @Alex798 I managed to reproduce the issue. For temporary solution, please import the Oculus Integration(Unity Asset Store) to your project to fix this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. @Linkedoranean Please use Wave XR Plugin(installed from Unity Package Manager). https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityVRSdk.html
  10. @Alex798 Could you try the VIU's example scene(ColliderEvent), whether you can reproduce the issue? I just tried using Oculus Rift on ColliderEvent scene, and the object didn't release when my controller is out of sight. Please try grabbing the non-sticky cube in ColliderEvent scene, thanks! If you couldn't reproduce the issue in ColliderEvent scene, then I might need you to provide a sample project that can reproduce the issue for reference. If you can reproduce the issue in ColliderEvent scene, I might also need you to provide the current project for further investigation.
  11. @AlGolden Please provide the versions for Unity Editor, Oculus Integration Unity SDK, VIU, and any other plugins such as Oculus XR Plugin?
  12. @MarcLeander Could you try with a new project? Could you provide more detailed information such as Unity Editor version and Wave SDK version?
  13. @BioBazard As far as I know, Wave VR SDK is not compatible with Pico Neo 2 device. You need to use Pico SDK.
  14. @marcob Did you try your code yet? Will it work? I did not try threading to simulate the click event. Are you testing this in Unity?
  15. @jeonsanghyun Sorry for the late response. I will recommend to use Vive Input Utility(VIU) if you are thinking of cross platform(OpenVR <- -> Oculus or PC <- -> Android) development. You are required to import SteamVR Unity Plugin for development even if you use VIU. For Viveport and Steam, you might need to read the revenues or related stuff from their websites. But, I found this online, hope this helps.
  16. @ralfdestroyer As far as I know the VIVEPORT Video's owner is Viveport team. You might need to contact them directly.
  17. @ralfdestroyer Could you try using content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/document/primary%3AMovies%2F2020.mp4 instead?
  18. @ralfdestroyer I tried with "adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -t text/plain -d file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/11.txt" and it works.
  19. @Leo Riveron Did you do the room setup for your Rift S? I just run the Teleport scene with OpenVR and it is the same as Oculus. Below is my view in compositor, does your view also stick to the ground too?
  20. @Leo Riveron Could you try upgrade your VIU to the latest one? UPDATE: I couldn't reproduce your issue with Rift S and VIU 1.10.6 and Oculus Desktop plugin
  21. @Leo Riveron How to use Rift S without any plugins? What did you select in VIU Settings(Edit>Preferences>VIU Settings)?
  22. @Leo Riveron Could you list the exact versions of Unity Editor, VIU and any plugins(Oculus Integration? Oculus XR Plugin?)? I will test on my side with Rift S. UPDATE: By looking at your controller model, did you only installed Oculus XR Plugin? No Oculus Integration imported?
  23. @AlGolden Which video recording did you use? I added our SW PM @Tony PH Lin to assist you.
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