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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. @AlGolden Without PC, probably you will need to install certain app or making one of your own. Currently I have no idea how to do it without PC. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. @AlGolden Which OS are you using? For windows, you just need to key the commands in Windows Command Prompt.
  3. @AlGolden Please use below adb commands to record video. > adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4 > adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
  4. @anglee Please refer to the VIU's example scene (UGUI). It is located at Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Examples\1.UGUI\
  5. If you saw connection timeout, you can repeat step 4 instead of step 3, just keep the streaming server up running. Simply stop device apk and start again. @shashkes Is your problem resolved?
  6. Could you provide detailed version (2018.4.x) of Unity Editor? And please update Wave SDK to the latest version, and try again.
  7. Could you paste the actual error log? And, is it showing in the headset or command prompt?
  8. Could you try ping the ip address again? Is it still the same? Usually I will do the following steps, 1. Update IP Address to the Direct Preview Config 2. Install Device apk 3. Start streaming server 4. Start device apk 5. Play Unity Editor If this fails, stop device apk and streaming server and try again from step3. NOTE: If it connects successfully, the streaming server will keep printing lots of logs. One more thing is that when you stop device apk, make sure you did not just exit by pressing the system button on controller button. It will be better to re-install the device apk to ensure it is completely exited.
  9. I found this online, First of all be sure you have 2 Video cards. Example 1 is intel and other one dedicated like nvidia or amd. It is because when you disable one video card then other can automatically takes place of the disable one. Steps Right click on my computer. Select manage from the options. Now choose DEVICE MANAGER from the left side list. As soon you click on device manager, on your right side your all pc hardware components information will appear. Click on arrow sign of DISPLAY option, you will find both of your cards information. Select and right click on INTEL integrated graphics and select disable. Note: as soon as you disable intel card, your monitor will go black for 2 sec. don’t panic. Now your intel card is disabled. Now all your graphics will load from your other dedicated graphics card. NOTE: Please make sure you see 2 video cards under DISPLAY option.
  10. Which OS are you using? Windows 10? It will not affect your computer, you can always turn it back on after you finish using Direct Preview.
  11. Could you try disabling your Intel GPU? The GPU [0] vendor id is 32902, vendor description is Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
  12. @shashkes Which version of the Wave SDK are you using? Before I did hit this error before, but after I restarted my PC, it will work. UPDATE: Could you try to use DDU to uninstall the Nvidia and AMD driver and reinstall again?
  13. @jboss Didn't you mention that you used a script to attach the racket, what you want to achieve? Which script(remark) are you referring to?
  14. @shashkes Please try running directly from command prompt and paste the result here, thanks!
  15. What I mean is that can you check both (WaveVR + Oculus Android) at the same time? If the above settings is not checked for both SDKs, then you are not able to use either WaveVR or Oculus Android at runtime.
  16. @shashkes It seems your server does not run. You can manually run the server by going to "Assets\WaveVR\Platform\Windows" and launch "dpServer.exe" UPDATE: Yes, the wording will appear to the front of your HMD but it will not follow your HMD, so you need to look around inside XD
  17. @shashkes First, when you start streaming server, you need to ensure that the command prompt window is waiting on your desktop. If the server failed to wait, the command prompt window will disappear. Next, after start the device apk, you need to check that in Focus, it is waiting for connection. NOTE: if it fails the first try, repeat the steps again by stop device apk and stop streaming server and re-start them again
  18. @shashkes From your PC, could you try to ping the ip address from Command Prompt? To know your device's ip address, use below command, > adb shell ip addr show wlan0 From your message above, I think your device ip address will be ""
  19. @jboss No worries, feel free to ask questions when you need help.
  20. How about multiply the position by 7? In Assets\ViveHandTracking\Scripts\Utility\ModelRenderer.cs, Line 69, transform.position = result.points[0] * 7;
  21. For current sample scene provided by Hand Tracking SDK, if you enlarge the scale of the Skeleton, your hands will look strange. But to me, the position of the hands looks fine to me. it matches with my real world hands. What's your expected result?
  22. @AlGolden But in VIU Settings, it seems that to support Focus or Quest needs to decide at compile time. You cannot check both Focus + Oculus Android at the same time right? Can you?
  23. @毛.sy Which sample scene did you use? Could you try to enlarge the scale from the parent of the camera? Taking VIU's Teleport scene as an example, Don't just enlarge from the Camera itself.
  24. @AlGolden May I know what is the main purpose to know which hardware?
  25. @AlGolden I found this sample online, You might need to do some modifications. Replace Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") by ViveInput.GetAxis(role, ControllerAxis.PadX) Replace Input.GetAxis("Vertical") by ViveInput.GetAxis(role, ControllerAxis.PadY) And Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") to any button as you wish. I just add this script to VROrigin and move with Touchpad. You will need to adjust the moving speed.
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