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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. This version will conflict with Oculus package. Please remove or upgrade to latest version.
  2. Could you try removing WaveSDK related files(aar)? Can your application run on Oculus Quest after removing?
  3. @folmer Which WaveSDK version did you import?
  4. @folmer Could you list all SDKs/plugins that you have imported into your project? Unity, Oculus mobile SDK, WaveSDK... etc Also, could you provide a screenshot of your external tools(Unity>Edit>Preferences>External Tools) settings? You mentioned application crashed? Any logs?
  5. @Annabell By looking into SteamVR Plugin, there is a function(FindExistingActionForPartialPath) in SteamVR_Action.cs. Probably you could write your own custom function that will give you actions by using names. EDIT: I found a way that you could get a full list of actions SteamVR_Input.actions <-- will return full array of SteamVR_Action foreach(var action in SteamVR_Input.actions) { Debug.Log("action: " + action.fullPath); }
  6. @Annabell You could refer to VIU's example scene, 1.UGUI, which includes a text field.
  7. @SpaceNoid78 Sorry for the late reply. Could you provide more details on your project? Which version of Unity/SteamVR/SteamVR Plugin? By the way, where did you get the OpenVR SDK 1.0.10? Is it this one you are referring to? Could you update your OpenVR SDK to the latest version and see if the issue still existed? Thanks!
  8. @Annabell What kind of action are you referring to? like teleporting? Or those actions define in SteamVR Input?
  9. @Annabell ViveInput.cs does provide following APIs, ViveInput.GetPress ViveInput.GetPressDown ViveInput.GetPressUp For example, ViveInput.GetPress(role, ControllerButton.Trigger);
  10. @jboss Are you able to share your sample project? Or simply screenshot(scripts and key components) what you have in your scene? Did you try VIU example scene (7.RoleBindingExample)? Does it work?
  11. @jboss Regarding the version still shows 1.10.6, it is because VIUVersion.cs is not updated to 1.10.7. Please ignore this part. To bring up the binding interface window, may I know which scene did you test on? Could you refer to this wiki page and try again? Please note that "Make sure your app gets input focus (by clicking the app preview window or editor scene window)"
  12. The default height for headset is 175cm, not 160cm. I might need you to provide log for further investigation. Thanks!
  13. @h-shirakami Did you put on the headset while it is in suspended mode and standing up? The 1st image, 21cm and 171cm, is it before teleportation? So, the 2nd image shows after teleportation? So, headset values increases from 171 to 179 after teleport? EDIT: Could you provide log for our WaveSDK team to investigate? Record the log before you launch apk until you puts your controller on the floor and also after teleportation. > adb logcat -v threadtime 2>&1 | tee logcat log will be saved in filename logcat If there is no log appear, please use this command, > adb shell setprop log.tag.Unity DEBUG
  14. @h-shirakami What do you mean by it doesn't become zero? Zero for HMD means your headset puts on the ground? Please test below apk, it will have controller and headset height. teleport4.apk BTW, have you tried before DirectPreview with latest WaveVR SDK? It might be an alternative method to debug too.
  15. From the number that it is not really a big increase in Y axis, but your camera(head) seems a little too high compare to the one before teleport. Are you looking down from the same height as before teleportation? I will provide you with another apk that shows the height of the head. Same steps as before, but this time recording the height of the head, thanks! teleport3.apk
  16. Could you try my apk, and tell me what's the result after following my steps? teleport2.apk 1. Stand up and put on your headset (Make sure your headset is in suspend mode) 2. After launch the content, put your controller on the floor and record the height 3. Teleport then put the controller on the floor and record the height Thanks! NOTE: If the controller model is missing, it doesn't matter, this is a debug mode.
  17. I would like to double check again, Before you teleport, you put the controller on the ground In the content, is it also lying on the ground? So, after you teleport once, your controller will be floating in the air and cannot lie on the ground? Could you also send me a copy of your apk? I would like to test on my device.
  18. I mean the height will keep increasing after every teleport? Or the height will be fixed after 1st teleport?
  19. Does the height go higher and higher everytime you teleport? Or just once after the 1st teleport? This issue happens on VIU's example scene?
  20. @iMMERGENCE Which version of Windows? If you try to allow your application to run as administrator, will this error occurs?
  21. @jboss Does it happen everytime when you pressed on the Pad? I tested on my side, it seems only a couple of times(not very easily to reproduce, probably 1 out 10 or less) it will false trigger twice in a row. And, I found out that there is thread for people complaining that FixedUpdate will execute twice. Either you can use a flag to avoid this to happen or use Update instead.
  22. @burkedrane Are you working in 2D or 3D? For getting the time, you want to get a time when you pressed on trigger, then get another time when you released it? You can simply get the time from the system by using the Time class. If I misunderstood your question, please provide an example, thanks!
  23. @h-shirakami If your controller lies on the floor, but in your scene, your controller seems to float in the air, it is because the height is not adjusted correctly. Previously, in this post, I did mention about how is the height setup in Vive Focus Plus, Since the default value of Vive Focus Plus is 175cm, it might depends on how you put on the HMD. If you are putting on while standing up, and the floor is still not the right height, you simply can adjust by using the Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Examples\Shared\Scripts\CustomDeviceHeight.cs from VIU. You can refer to VIU's example scene, Teleport scene, VROrigin>DeviceHeight, here is the script that you can adjust the height. NOTE: Remember to add below code EDIT: @h-shirakami To double confirm I understood your question, You mean after you teleport, then your position seems to move higher than original position? Before you teleport, does your controller floating in the air or lie on the ground?
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