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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. @ben-FLOAT Do you mind updating your VIU to latest version and check again if the issue still occurs? In your project, you only import VIU and run under VIU's simulator mode? What else I need to take note to reproduce the issue?
  2. @h-shirakami After changing the source code, your Vive Focus Plus still getting low performance?
  3. Just to let you know that this might not be fast and quick. It is not under my control. Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you have other alternative way to do it? XD
  4. I heard from Tony a few days ago that there might be some security concern. It requires additional information from our security team to double check.
  5. @Pandiabolism If you update your SteamVR Plugin to 2.0 and above, I don't think using the DeviceID to get the button input will still work. What is your SteamVR Plugin and VIU version?
  6. @h-shirakami Actually VIU camera will attach WaveVR_Render.cs. Could you try adding the code provided by Tony and try again?
  7. @jasper1234 If you would like to setup a tracker as controller, you will need to power off one of the controllers. The maximum number of controllers is 2, no matter it is 1 controller + 1 tracker or 2 trackers or 2 controllers. Please refer to this post.
  8. @h-shirakami Please update your SDKs (VIU v1.10.6 from Asset Store and WaveSDK 3.1.4) to the latest version. And add below code, Under Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\VRModule\Modules\WaveVRModule.cs, line 771 after the override function TriggerViveControllerHaptic, #if VIU_WAVEVR_3_1_0_OR_NEWER public override void TriggerHapticVibration(uint deviceIndex, float durationSeconds = 0.01f, float frequency = 85, float amplitude = 0.125f, float startSecondsFromNow = 0) { var deviceInput = WaveVR_Controller.Input(s_index2type[deviceIndex]); if (deviceInput != null) { if (0 <= amplitude || amplitude <= 0.2) { Interop.WVR_TriggerVibration(deviceInput.DeviceType, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad, (uint)(durationSeconds * 1000000), (uint)frequency, WVR_Intensity.WVR_Intensity_Weak); } else if (0.2 < amplitude || amplitude <= 0.4) { Interop.WVR_TriggerVibration(deviceInput.DeviceType, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad, (uint)(durationSeconds * 1000000), (uint)frequency, WVR_Intensity.WVR_Intensity_Light); } else if (0.4 < amplitude || amplitude <= 0.6) { Interop.WVR_TriggerVibration(deviceInput.DeviceType, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad, (uint)(durationSeconds * 1000000), (uint)frequency, WVR_Intensity.WVR_Intensity_Normal); } else if (0.6 < amplitude || amplitude <= 0.8) { Interop.WVR_TriggerVibration(deviceInput.DeviceType, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad, (uint)(durationSeconds * 1000000), (uint)frequency, WVR_Intensity.WVR_Intensity_Strong); } else if (0.8 < amplitude || amplitude <= 1) { Interop.WVR_TriggerVibration(deviceInput.DeviceType, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad, (uint)(durationSeconds * 1000000), (uint)frequency, WVR_Intensity.WVR_Intensity_Severe); } } } #endif Now you can trigger vibrate by calling ViveInput.TriggerHapticVibration(role, hapticValue). hapticValue is in seconds, if you set it to 1 sec, it will roughly be alittle bit more than 1 sec up to 2 sec. I double check internally that Vive Focus Plus' controller does not have any intensity level, I hope this new API is enough for your development.
  9. @h-shirakami I found out that VIU currently is using old haptic API. This API's maximum vibration time is very short. In latest WaveSDK(v3.1.4), there is new API for haptic. I will provide patch for you by tomorrow to fix this part.
  10. @iMMERGENCE Did you try using VIU's binding interface? Please refer to below link and try again. https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/wiki/Embedded-Binding-Interface If you still cannot resolve the issue, please let me know!
  11. @tl0r With latest WaveVR SDK (>3.1), Simulator updates to Direct Preview.
  12. @henrikvrtraveler Thanks for you information.
  13. @henrikvrtraveler Could you try this method? I just tried downloading this apk file from here. I don't 100% sure this file is safe! Then, I just do the following, adb install -r <apk> and it is successfully installed, not sure is it because my device is rooted or it actually works for all devices. But when I tried your apk, it failed with following message. adb: failed to install SystemWebView.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.android.webview signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!] We are still trying to sign the apk that you shared.
  14. This issue is fixed and will update in GitHub and Asset Store soon.
  15. Currently, VIU "Apply VIU Action Set" button in recommended setting is not functioning properly with latest SteamVR Plugin.
  16. @Pandiabolism Sorry to reply you late. Please check what role did you set for your tracker?
  17. @henrikvrtraveler How did you compiled your own version? Do you think if you provide your compiled version apk and we use our signed key can work?
  18. By referring to this page, https://www.vive.com/us/support/vive-focus/category_howto/vive-focus-controller.html 1. Touchpad > ControllerButton.Pad, ControllerButton.PadTouch 2. App button > ControllerButton.Menu 3. Home button > no corresponding input control 5. Volume buttons > no corresponding input control 6. Trigger > ControllerButton.Trigger
  19. @vasanthkalai It seems that GetStateDown's logic is wrong. I printed the values from GetStateDown, When I pull the trigger, active is true, actionData.bState is true, but actionData.bChanged is false. When I release the trigger, active is true, actionData.bState is false, and actionData.bChanged is false. From below note, I think state changes from false to true, bChanged should be true. /// <summary>True when the action's state changes from false to true. Note: Will only return true if the action is also active.</summary> /// <remarks>Will only return true if the action is also active.</remarks> Probably you should report bug to SteamVR, and try using GetState instead for now.
  20. @vasanthkalai Currently, I found out that you can do the below method to allow VIU + Custom bindings to work together. 1. Create your own script 2. Add SteamVR_ActivateActionSetOnLoad.cs and your script 3. In your own script, public SteamVR_Input_Sources LeftInputSource = SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand; public SteamVR_Input_Sources RightInputSource = SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand; private void Update() { Debug.Log("Left Teleport value:" + SteamVR_Actions.FLO.Teleport.GetState(LeftInputSource)); Debug.Log("Right Teleport value:" + SteamVR_Actions.FLO.Teleport.GetState(RightInputSource)); } Let me know if you still need more help. Cheers!
  21. @3dsolution Are you asking how to write the cs script code to grab an object in Unity? Have you tried Vive Input Utility?
  22. @vasanthkalai I will need more time to check why SteamVR ActionSet won't work with VIU's bindings.
  23. @ben-FLOAT When you are using VIU, do you have any trouble when building a PC(Vive/Oculus) + mobile(Vive Focus) Unity project? Could you list them if you have any? Thanks!
  24. @vasanthkalai Are you able to provide a sample project with your custom binding?
  25. @vasanthkalai How did you add your own binding? Does your binding work without using VIU?
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