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  1. @Alex_HTC Thanks for the reply. Will research further but as mentioned, I am using Unreal Engine, not Unity as demonstrated in the video.
  2. @C.T. I also sent an email to that address... waiting for response.
  3. @Tony PH Lin Can you provide info on the latest hand tracking methods for Unreal Engine? To be honest it's been very frustrating working through the HTC documents with some being outdated or superseded. I've posted a number of questions on the topic with no replies. Thanks.
  4. In my Unreal Engine project (4.27) I am trying to set the player view at a very specific position at the beginning of my VR simulation so am using "Set Tracking Origin Eye Level" option. This puts the player and view right where I need it but there is no tracking of the head movement. Also, the hand tracking is no longer aligned with the HMD. Not sure what I am missing. Note that the position is within a moving, animated actor. When I use "Floor Level" or "Stage" options, head tracking is fine though the starting position is not ideal, since (I believe) it is based on the custom floor settings set in the play area options. But this doesn't work for my project as it needs to be a sitting-type view.
  5. I am trying to make a fairly simple game/simulation that uses hand tracking and hand gestures. I am using Unreal Engine. I am using Vive Focus 3. I want it to run solely on the headset, no tethered PC. So do I use Wave, Hand Tracking or Open XR? It's really hard to make sense of all the documentation for each of these, which is the most current and applicable to my project. Very tempted to ditch HTC Vive and go with Meta Oculus. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated... I am running out of time.
  6. I am trying to get "Get Pinch Active" to fire from Open XR Hand Interaction in Unreal Engine but without any luck. Not sure what I am missing. Also, InputAction TriggerRight/TriggerLeft works when pinching or making a fist but this only works on Windows, it doesn't get detected when launched on HTC Vive Focus 3/Android. Need help for a time sensitive project.
  7. My Unreal Engine VR game includes a LIDAR point cloud which renders without issue on HTC Vive Focus 3 when playing through editor. But when I launch the game on the headset, the LIDAR does not render. Running the APK from the headset doesn't render either. Not sure what I am missing.
  8. I just successfully launched my VR project on HTC Vive Focus 3 but when the game begins, it says to connect the controllers and that "hand tracking is not supported". I don't want my game to rely on the controllers and hand tracking is enabled in my game. How can I disable this popup when my game begins?
  9. wrote: Hi Thanks for the report. We just found the reason for high CPU usage is due to a wrong compiler flag. We are working on it and will release an updated dll next week. Awesome, thanks for the quick response; looking forwards to the update (the sooner the better). ;)
  10. Great Tool! I've tested it in my program and have it working though I am getting a really big hit on CPU usage (both with wireless and wired). I also just tested the sample file and even running that I get 100% CPU usage and degraded quality on the VIVE Pro headset. I am using an Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.8 GHz, 16GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070. Is there any way I can improve performance? If not, I will not be able to integrate into my game. I have tried decreasing the front camera speed, but it always seems to revert to 40Hz, no matter what I do.
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