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Everything posted by PixiStudio

  1. I have done further testing with my video and managed to play a H.265 video. I think the problem originate from the resolution of my file. I tried a 4096x4096 and it worked whereas the 4320x4320 didn't. Do we have a list for supported resolution on the video player?
  2. Here's a link to the file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10Hxk-Ytv7mQcBkgJkRyFani-JbpU-KSY
  3. I do have version 1.69.xx When I play my video inside Viveport Video it says Media error, Media unsupported.
  4. Hi, I previously asked if the HTC Focus support the H.265 codec. I got an answer from Support telling me the headset was indeed compatible with H.265 codec. After testing it on my end, I can’t make it work. I asked Support about this and sent my video files for testing purposes but got no answer ever since. Is there some specification our video encoding needs to have in order to be compatible? Thank you,
  5. I thought I had to rewrite the line because of what the Unreal doc looked like. It work if you replace what I wrote in "Extra Settings for <application>" with the original line: <meta-data android:name="no_controller_pairing" android:value="true" />
  6. I tried both but didn't succeed either ways. If I edit the manifest directly the app just wont package. I also tried to edit through the project setting but didn't figured where or what to write: What should I do here?
  7. Is there a way I can have access to the event WVR_EventType_DeviceSuspend without having to listen to AllEvent?
  8. Just as the title says. It makes thing very difficult to test and I have no idea what is doing it.
  9. I've read this post and it works fine for Unity: https://community.viveport.com/t5/Vive-Wave-SDK/Bypass-Focus-Remote-popup/m-p/30835/highlight/false#M1991 But how do you do the same thing in Unreal?
  10. Where is the manifest in a UE4 app?
  11. Okay so this setup works: But the event I need don't : WVR_EventType_DeviceSuspend = 2003 When user takes off HMD WVR_EventType_DeviceResume = 2004 When user puts on HMD Is the doc up to date?
  12. I used this as reference: https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealSystemEvent.html I don't know what to do to get System Event working in Unreal 4.21 I did some PrintString and plugged the code in different blueprints, I never get any response nor error. It compile succesfully and and I can launch without problem. What do I need to do to get the System Event to work?
  13. Thanks for the information! This answer my question perfectly.
  14. Since the WaveVR head use 2 camera for the eyes, if I place my WaveVR prefab in a sphere and I project a monoscopic 360 video file onto that sphere, will the result be stereoscopic 3D since both camera are offset? Can this negate the need for a over/under 360 file? I used this as an example and placed the sphere inside the helloVR sample scene from the sdk: Everything works fine, I just want to know if what I get is equivalent to a over/under file.
  15. I need to use a H.265 video for the higher resolution. Is it impossible now since waveVR SDK isnt compatible with Unity 2019?
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