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Everything posted by csca

  1. Hey, I have implemented a basic scene for head and controller tracking for the Vive Focus Plus. For the controllers I have created 2 gameobjects and attached the WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker and WaveVR_ControllerPoseTracker scripts. I have added the WaveVR_ButtonList Scripts to antoher game object and registered the trigger and grip buttons for both controllers. When I try to get information about button presses with this script: public class WaveVR_ControllerDebug : MonoBehaviour { public List<string> states; private WaveVR_Controller.Device controllerLeft; private WaveVR_Controller.Device controllerRight; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { controllerLeft = WaveVR_Controller.Input(WaveVR_Controller.EDeviceType.NonDominant); controllerRight = WaveVR_Controller.Input(WaveVR_Controller.EDeviceType.Dominant); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { states.Clear(); foreach(WaveVR_ButtonList.EButtons button in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WVR_InputId))) { states.Add(button + " " + controllerRight.GetPress(button)); states.Add(button + " " + controllerLeft.GetPress(button)); } } } it will show all button presses as type Unavailable (0) when running direct preview. It also shows InputId as 0 for all button presses in the log. Am I missing scripts to make this work? Or is there a more reliable way to grab controller presses? I need to keep the controller integration as simple and minimal as possible. @Tony PH Lin @Cotta
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