I bought the cosmos on preorder. I got it. tryed it in my basement about once every 2 week but it was completely unplayable. I almost puke 5 time. everytime I turned my head it was somehow sluggish headset lost tracking... I kept playing on my vive 2016 instead. on beta 1.07 I was able to play only game that you dont turn your head... but I kept hope.
today I dit few thing differently. just install beta 1.08. then I tried to wrap a piece of paper around each of my light bulb to have a more diffuse lightning.
wow I was able to play for real. and for the first time I did not regret buying the cosmos. even if it was a paper weight for to long.
I might report again if something go wrong. but I played arizona sunshine for about 30 minute flawlesly 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
very happy the update and finding a way to make the light more diffuse was the thing to do.