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  1. Dear @imarin18 Thank you so much for the reply. It actually worked. I just had to remove the tobiiXR sdk. It is such a relief. Cheers!!! Thanks again
  2. @imarin18 I am unable to get the eye tracking data (pupil dia) from the Vive Pro Eye. I am using SRanipal SDK, TobiiXR SDK and Unity 2018.3.14. I using various code segment from the community. It always show pupil dia as 0. Can you please help?
  3. @Corvus I am unable to get the eye tracking data (pupil dia) from the Vive Pro Eye. I am using SRanipal SDK, TobiiXR SDK and Unity 2018.3.14. I using various code segment from the community. It always show pupil dia as 0. Can you please help? Also tagging @imarin18, as I have been using his code segment. Imarin18 can you please help as well? Thanks Avi
  4. Hello, I am not able to get the eye data (pupil dia, eye openess) in unity 2018.3.14. I have installed steamVR, SRanipal SDK and Tobii XR SDK. Can anyone please help? Thanks @Corvus @Daniel_Y @zzy
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