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Posts posted by das_morgenstern

  1. I too have had the same problem. I regularly play Blades and Sorcery and Pavlov both of which run very well on Vive Wireless. After playing for some time I've found that the HMD will go from working to a Blue Screen then black and I hear my computer disconnect a device then after a couple seconds reconnect. The game still runs in the background and I am able to keep playing after it reconnects. More recently though it's become a much larger issue. I found that the default wireless cord that connects the Battery to the Wireless module has become frayed, this could be what was causing the problem. I'm certain that my graphics card and processor are not the issue in that they have ran fine in the earlier moments of use. I'm now thinking that maybe the internals of the wireless module rattle just slightly enough to disconnect the power for a split second.

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