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laggy vive user

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  1. I forgot to mention I attempted playing it on absolute zero. Everything set to it's lowest nowhere near playable
  2. Alright, the steps above have helped, but its still unplayably laggy. On the timings graph I'm not reach crazy levels like 26ms, but I'm still getting 12ms or so every now and again
  3. Right now I have literally everything on its lowest, no impact. I've got it on a flat surface right now as that was the problem with my old WMR headset but I wasn't lucky enough to have the fix carry for the Vive
  4. Yes its mostly bad after having SteamVR run for a little bit, i have had it run butter on Boneworks with Max Shadows, Full Texture Res and 4x MSAA A while back, but now its unbearable
  5. You call them secrets yet you're not sharing them due to the fact I said ones that are already on the internet. I had hoped it would be obvious that I meant the ones shared upon direct googling of it, but apparently we're at the school of taking things too literally. Do you find this... funny?
  6. If a solution is already on the internet don't bother sharing it as I've tried it. Rest assured. Specs: (as told by my Bios) I7 7700hq 2.80ghz 16GB DDR4 Ram GFX 1060 6gb
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