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  1. Thanks so much for the direction. I've been getting my feet wet with OpenVR and I am super excited about this project. You saved me some time and probably some stress as well. Thank you, JNU
  2. Virtual reality rocks. Corporate reality really sucks, sometimes. I've been tasked with taking a large application from 2014 that uses a proprietary third party engine (Wait! It gets even better!) that was deprecated in 2011 and try to shoehorn VR into it as a proof of concept this fall. I think I can trick the existing engine into rendering a stereo image pair to a couple framebuffers, but I'm wondering how to best (given the circumstances) get those images to the Vive for display. And by best, I mean with as little latency as possible. I'm sure I could sling them up as if I were playing a movie, but I fear that will not give a good experience. Thank you for your patience. I realize this is a goofy question, but I am hoping someone has a bit of guidance on how to approach this problem before I go piss away the next few weeks going in the wrong direction. Thank you, JNU
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