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  1. @Tony PH Lin thank you! Everything seems to work now. Do you have by any chance a changelog of the new version?
  2. The lack of support is indeed really disappointing. I was struggling with another internal bug where I had to find a workaround myself. Took me countless hours..
  3. @Djangi did you get answer? or does somebody know a workaround to fix this?
  4. I found a workaround. Making the variable static solves the problem.
  5. @Corvus to give you more information. same problem persists with: SRanipal SRanipal Framework Version 2 For the first 70-200 frames (changes each time when registering the callback function) the callback function works fine and as intended. After the first few hundred frames, the NullReferenceException is thrown each following frame. Unregistering and reregistering the callback function repeats the described behavior. best, Stefan
  6. Sure. Just a simple example: public class TestViveProEye { private Vector3 leftOrigin; public void StartUpdateData() { SRanipal_Eye.WrapperRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye.CallbackBasic) UpdateData)); } public void StopUpdateData() { SRanipal_Eye.WrapperUnRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye.CallbackBasic) UpdateData)); } private void UpdateData(ref EyeData eyeData) { //Works as expected Debug.Log(eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_origin_mm); //Throws NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object //UnityEngine.UnhandledExceptionHandler:<RegisterUECatcher>m__0(Object, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs) leftOrigin = eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_origin_mm; Debug.Log(leftOrigin); } } It is odd. Storing the eye tracking values locally or passing it to other functions causes a NullReferenceException. However, printing the value to the console works just fine. Maybe I'm missing something on the scope of the callback function(UpdateData), but I'm not sure.
  7. Hi @PavelP and @Corvus, I get the same problem as @PavelP. After a few seconds, the NullReferenceException with System.Buffer.memcpy4 is thrown. After the exception Unity freezes and needs to be closed by the task manager. Tested with: Unity 2019.2.17f1 and 2020.1.6f1 SteamVR 1.13.10 SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1 Has someone found a solution?
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