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Everything posted by ABUSHATTAL

  1. Hi @Corvus I have tried the script and it return object name. but when I recall it in the update function to keep tracking where the player is looking it is freeze unity after hit play button. I also note when disable a script that recall the eye data from SRanipal it works fine. can you help me how to make it work to capture focus using update function?. I have used the following script to get eye data using SRanipal eye frame and i want to incluse the detected object to the update section: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using ViveSR.anipal.Eye; namespace Test120FPS { public class Sample_GetDataThread : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject Status; private string state; public GameObject Car; private string Carx; private string Cary; private string Bicyclex; private string Bicycley; private string distance; public GameObject Bicycle; public EyeData data = new EyeData(); private Thread thread; private const int FrequencyControl = 1; private const int MaxFrameCount = 3600; void Start() { thread = new Thread(QueryEyeData); thread.Start(); string text = "distance"+ "?" + "Carx" + "?" + "Cary" + "?" +"Bicyclex" + "?" +"Bicycley"+"?"+"Left eye dia: "+"?" + "Right eye dia: " + "?" + "Left eye openess " + "?" + "Right eye openess " + "?" + "Left eye gaze " + "?" + "Right eye gaze " + "?" + "Status" + "?" + "CurrentFrameSequence" + "?" + "CurrentSystemTime(ms)" + Environment.NewLine; File.AppendAllText("DataRecord.txt", text); } private void OnApplicationQuit() { thread.Abort(); } private void OnDisable() { thread.Abort(); } /// <summary> /// Checks name for current object in focus. /// </summary> void FixedUpdate() { Carx = Car.transform.position.x.ToString(); Cary = Car.transform.position.z.ToString(); Bicyclex = Bicycle.transform.position.x.ToString(); Bicycley = Bicycle.transform.position.z.ToString(); state = Status.name.ToString(); float dist = Vector3.Distance(Car.transform.position, Bicycle.transform.position); float feet = dist * 3.28f; distance = ((int)dist*3.28f).ToString(); } // You can only use C# native function in Unity's thread. // Use EyeData's frame_sequence to calculate frame numbers and record data in file. void QueryEyeData() { int FrameCount = 0; int PrevFrameSequence = 0, CurrFrameSequence = 0; bool StartRecord = false; while (FrameCount < MaxFrameCount) { ViveSR.Error error = SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeData(ref data); if (error == ViveSR.Error.WORK) { CurrFrameSequence = data.frame_sequence; if (CurrFrameSequence != PrevFrameSequence) { FrameCount ++; PrevFrameSequence = CurrFrameSequence; StartRecord = true; } } // Record time stamp every 120 frame. if (FrameCount % 60 == 0 && StartRecord) { string text = distance + "?" + Carx+ "?"+ Cary+ "?" +Bicyclex + "?" + Bicycley +"?" + data.verbose_data.left.pupil_diameter_mm + "?" + data.verbose_data.right.pupil_diameter_mm + "?" + data.verbose_data.left.eye_openness + "?" + data.verbose_data.right.eye_openness + "?" + data.verbose_data.left.gaze_direction_normalized +"?"+ data.verbose_data.right.gaze_direction_normalized + "?" + state + "?" + CurrFrameSequence + "?" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; File.AppendAllText("DataRecord.txt", text); FrameCount = 0; } Thread.Sleep(FrequencyControl); } } }}
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