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  1. Has anyone had success with this recently? I've enabled the null driver and my steamvr.vrsettings file contains the following: }, "driver_null" : { "displayFrequency" : 90, "enable" : true, "loadPriority" : -999, "modelNumber" : "Null Model Number", "renderHeight" : 1680, "renderWidth" : 1512, "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons" : 0.01111111, "serialNumber" : "Null Serial Number", "windowHeight" : 1200, "windowWidth" : 2160, "windowX" : 0, "windowY" : 0 }, "steamvr" : { "activateMultipleDrivers" : true, "forcedDriver" : "null", "installID" : "9951421276712397352", "lastVersionNotice" : "1.16.10", "lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1615514886", "mirrorViewDisplayMode" : 0, "showAdvancedSettings" : true, "showMirrorView" : true }, "vive.htc.4f5f140a-0928-4fcb-8023-93dc212eac17" : { "resolutionScale" : 100 } But when I start SteamVR, the tracker is not being seen by the base station (though it is successfully pairing to the dongle). The base station is plugged in and directly facing the tracker, and yet it is not finding it or showing up in my dashboard. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I think the base station issue is the only thing preventing this from working so I just need to figure out how do disable whatever dependency it has on the HMD.
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