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  1. New version OpenXR PC VR Plugin for Unreal 1.6.0 (UE5.1) not complile Console inside unreal not show errors: the log says: UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): C:\Users\USUARIO\Desktop\ViveOpenXRGame\Plugins\ViveOpenXR\Source\ViveOpenXRSceneUnderstanding\Private\ViveOpenXRSceneUnderstanding.cpp(561): error C2679: '=' binario: no se encontr un operador que adopte un operando en la parte derecha de tipo 'TArray<FVector,FDefaultAllocator>' (o bien no existe una conversi n aceptable) [2023.04.24-10.39.09:115][704]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] [2023.04.24-10.39.09:115][704]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] Using backward-compatible include order. The latest version of UE has changed the order of includes, which may require code changes. The current setting is: [2023.04.24-10.39.09:115][704]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_0 [2023.04.24-10.39.09:115][704]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] Suppress this message by setting 'IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_1;' in ViveOpenXRGame.Target.cs. [2023.04.24-10.39.09:115][704]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): [Upgrade] Alternatively you can set this to 'EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Latest' to always use the latest include order. This will potentially cause compile errors when integrating new versions of the engine.
  2. hi Sabrina, could you send us the plugging compilation for version 5 of unreal. From Vive it doesn't look like they are going to update the sdk. Regards David
  3. thank you very much @cte and also @MadisV, I confirm that it works, tested in 4.27, although for the node to finally become available I had to recompile the whole project in visual. I don't know why they don't include this code directly in the release...
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