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Ben Woodford

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  1. Looks like you have it in the latest firmware 🙂
  2. ASUS GT-AXE16000 here for internal use and it's currently what we recommend to venues that need straightforward router rather than anything Enterprise-grade. We're trialling the U7-Pro right now, we managed 3-4 headsets without any obvious issues on 160Mhz but this was a very light-touch initial test. It might be that the performance has improved since Gilles tested it, or maybe we got super lucky on this one. We've been having major stuttering in the last week mind you, but that could equally be to the aforementioned stuttering issue so I'm downgrading our workstations right now.
  3. Unity's PCVR OpenXR implementation defaults to Floor rather than Stage mode now, I've already moaned at them for the sudden change as everyone expects PCVR to be in Stage mode like how SteamVR does it so this change is a massive whiplash. I think it's this you need? OpenXRSettings.SetAllowRecentering(false);
  4. Right now it only seems to be possible to get the trackers as role-less devices unless I directly use the Wave SDK to address them. I need my code to be as agnostic as possible though, as I already have an implementation that handles OpenXR for UTs and Wrist Trackers, and Wave SDK for Wrist Trackers, using the Unity Input System and bindings as all of those are exposed correctly in the Input System. Doing a development build and using Input Debugger remotely I can see the tracker but I don’t seem to have a path available that assigns it to the right foot for instance (which is what it’s assigned to in the headset). Or is WaveTracker2 always the right foot maybe? Using Unity 2021, Focus 3. Edit: Just updated to the latest Wave SDK and now get a more detailed serial number instead of "WaveTracker2", but that still doesn't really solve my problem as I still can't tell what role it is
  5. @JulienActiveMe the maximum of 4/5 users on a WAP is for PCVR streaming, a good router will happily run 25 HMDs in a multiplayer scenario provided the multiplayer content is optimised from a network messaging perspective. For 25 HMDs you'd need 25 PCs, so I wouldn't recommend it for a large rollout like that if you don't need it. For on-headset: You should have real-time shadows disabled entirely, as they render the scene from the perspective of the light and are incredibly heavy on the headset. Though if you're getting 40FPS in an empty scene that would indicate something is off... what version of Unity, URP and Wave SDK are you using?
  6. You'll probably need to contact business support on this. Which region are you in?
  7. You can do this with LBSS, but that may be a bit of a sledgehammer to bash in a nail if it's the only thing you need from the customisation service...
  8. Yes, you can draw your boundary manually to go around those posts, as you would with a "normal" non-LBE boundary. Just don't use the mobile app to set your boundary size and instead do it from within the headset. Just make sure you request "Enable Boundary and Related UI" when you have your config made
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