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Everything posted by eugie

  1. Hello. I'm trying to use raycasting as extract data from the hit mesh collider. I tried using private void Update() { if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Status != SRanipal_Eye_Framework.FrameworkStatus.WORKING && SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Status != SRanipal_Eye_Framework.FrameworkStatus.NOT_SUPPORT) return; if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == true && eye_callback_registered == false) { SRanipal_Eye_v2.WrapperRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye_v2.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = true; } else if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == false && eye_callback_registered == true) { SRanipal_Eye_v2.WrapperUnRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye_v2.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = false; } Vector3 GazeOriginCombinedLocal, GazeDirectionCombinedLocal; if (eye_callback_registered) { if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.COMBINE, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal, eyeData)) { } else if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.LEFT, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal, eyeData)) { } else if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.RIGHT, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal, eyeData)) { } else return; } else { if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.COMBINE, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal)) { } else if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.LEFT, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal)) { } else if (SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetGazeRay(GazeIndex.RIGHT, out GazeOriginCombinedLocal, out GazeDirectionCombinedLocal)) { } else return; } Vector3 GazeDirectionCombined; GazeDirectionCombined = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(GazeDirectionCombinedLocal); GazeRayRenderer.SetPosition(0, Camera.main.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.up * 0.05f); GazeRayRenderer.SetPosition(1, Camera.main.transform.position + GazeDirectionCombined * LengthOfRay); RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position, GazeDirectionCombined, out hit)) return; Debug.Log(hit.collider); } but the project just comes to a halt when I run this code. I also tried private void Update() { gaze_direct_combine = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.eye_data.gaze_direction_normalized; RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position, gaze_direct_combine, out hit)) return; Debug.Log(hit.collider); } but it does not seem to work. The rest of the code runs fine without this snippet, so I did not share it for the sake of clarity. maybe I'm putting the wrong values into the physics.raycast() ??
  2. @luiluks No need to thank me 🙂 it is mostly from the the script written by Yu Imaoka and Andri Flury at D-HEST, ETH Zurich. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.007) be sure to reference them if you use the script! did you update the file name every time? if the script detects a file with the same name, it would shut off. Do you have SRanipal Eye Framework prefab in your scene and enabled eye data callback & using the version 2? make an empty game object in your scene and add the script on that empty!
  3. Okay now I understand that the xyz values in the data is not xyz in unity space but rather xzy. I fixed that and now the z value shows the spherical projection. However, I still do not understand why it would only show the one sided data projection. I understand that the data is normalized to values between -1 and 1. Does it mean that it normalizes the data based on the view frame? where end of the right hand side is 1 and left end is -1? Then, if I want to see it on a 360 environment should I calculate it based on head position?
  4. Hello, I'm working on a project where I need to extract eyetracking data for watching 360 videos. The project I have right now features a sphere in Unity that projects the video within (inside out) and the camera is inside that sphere. I managed to print out the eye tracking raw data, but I'm quite lost in its interpretation. when I print out the gaze direction (xyz) data on a 3d space I get this which is strange as I turned several times while wearing the HMD, which should show the data as a 'sphere' I don't quite understand the 'normalized data' for gaze direction. Does it mean its values are relative to my current head position and resets whenever I move? For instance, if I turn my head in the virtual space and look at a point on my right, then turn back and look at a point on my right, the data coordinates will be the same? Or should I calculate the gaze angle based on the gaze origin and gaze direction? I would appreciate the help. Thank you.
  5. @bfalandays you were right! The tracking works fine now after I erased the Tobii XR SDK!! Thank you so much.
  6. Hello, I wrote a data logging script referencing the script written by Yu Imaoka and Andri Flury at D-HEST, ETH Zurich. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.007) However, the data would not log and only the string from Data_txt() is logged onto the desired .txt file. I've been working on this for the last few weeks but I am lost in what the problem is. The unity project is a simple 360 video projection on a sphere, which runs smoothly, so I do not think it is the project problem. I would really appreciate the help. Thank you. Data output : Code : using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; using System; using System.IO; using ViveSR.anipal.Eye; using ViveSR.anipal; using ViveSR; public class Eyetracking : MonoBehaviour { // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Define user ID information. // - The developers can define the user ID format such as "ABC_001". The ID is used for the name of text file // that records the measured eye movement data. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** public static string UserID = "02"; // Definte ID number such as 001, ABC001, etc. public static string Path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string File_Path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\video_" + UserID + ".txt"; // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Parameters for time-related information. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** public static int cnt_callback = 0; public int cnt_saccade = 0, Endbuffer = 3, SaccadeTimer = 30; float Timeout = 1.0f, InitialTimer = 0.0f; private static long SaccadeEndTime = 0; private static long MeasureTime, CurrentTime, MeasureEndTime = 0; private static float time_stamp; private static int frame; // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Parameters for eye data. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** private static EyeData_v2 eyeData = new EyeData_v2(); public EyeParameter eye_parameter = new EyeParameter(); public GazeRayParameter gaze = new GazeRayParameter(); private static bool eye_callback_registered = false; private static UInt64 eye_valid_L, eye_valid_R; // The bits explaining the validity of eye data. private static float openness_L, openness_R; // The level of eye openness. private static float pupil_diameter_L, pupil_diameter_R; // Diameter of pupil dilation. private static Vector2 pos_sensor_L, pos_sensor_R; // Positions of pupils. private static Vector3 gaze_origin_L, gaze_origin_R; // Position of gaze origin. private static Vector3 gaze_direct_L, gaze_direct_R; // Direction of gaze ray. private static float frown_L, frown_R; // The level of user's frown. private static float squeeze_L, squeeze_R; // The level to show how the eye is closed tightly. private static float wide_L, wide_R; // The level to show how the eye is open widely. private static double gaze_sensitive; // The sensitive factor of gaze ray. private static float distance_C; // Distance from the central point of right and left eyes. private static bool distance_valid_C; // Validity of combined data of right and left eyes. public bool cal_need; // Calibration judge. public bool result_cal; // Result of calibration. private static int track_imp_cnt = 0; private static TrackingImprovement[] track_imp_item; // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Start is called before the first frame update. The Start() function is performed only one time. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void Start() { InputUserID(); // Check if the file with the same ID exists. Invoke("SystemCheck", 0.5f); // System check. //SRanipal_Eye_v2.LaunchEyeCalibration(); // Perform calibration for eye tracking. //Calibration(); //TargetPosition(); // Implement the targets on the VR view. Invoke("Measurement", 0.5f); // Start the measurement of ocular movements in a separate callback function. } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Checks if the filename with the same user ID already exists. If so, you need to change the name of UserID. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void InputUserID() { Debug.Log(File_Path); if (File.Exists(File_Path)) { Debug.Log("File with the same UserID already exists. Please change the UserID in the C# code."); // When the same file name is found, we stop playing Unity. if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } } } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Check if the system works properly. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void SystemCheck() { if (SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeData_v2(ref eyeData) == ViveSR.Error.WORK) { Debug.Log("Device is working properly."); } if (SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeParameter(ref eye_parameter) == ViveSR.Error.WORK) { Debug.Log("Eye parameters are measured."); } // Check again if the initialisation of eye tracking functions successfully. If not, we stop playing Unity. Error result_eye_init = SRanipal_API.Initial(SRanipal_Eye_v2.ANIPAL_TYPE_EYE_V2, IntPtr.Zero); if (result_eye_init == Error.WORK) { Debug.Log("[SRanipal] Initial Eye v2: " + result_eye_init); } else { Debug.LogError("[SRanipal] Initial Eye v2: " + result_eye_init); if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; // Stops Unity editor. } } } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Calibration is performed if the calibration is necessary. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void Calibration() { SRanipal_Eye_API.IsUserNeedCalibration(ref cal_need); // Check the calibration status. If needed, we perform the calibration. if (cal_need == true) { result_cal = SRanipal_Eye_v2.LaunchEyeCalibration(); if (result_cal == true) { Debug.Log("Calibration is done successfully."); } else { Debug.Log("Calibration is failed."); if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; // Stops Unity editor if the calibration if failed. } } } if (cal_need == false) { Debug.Log("Calibration is not necessary"); } } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Create a text file and header names of each column to store the measured data of eye movements. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void Data_txt() { string variable = "time(100ns)" + "," + "time_stamp(ms)" + "," + "frame" + "," + "eye_valid_L" + "," + "eye_valid_R" + "," + "openness_L" + "," + "openness_R" + "," + "pupil_diameter_L(mm)" + "," + "pupil_diameter_R(mm)" + "," + "pos_sensor_L.x" + "," + "pos_sensor_L.y" + "," + "pos_sensor_R.x" + "," + "pos_sensor_R.y" + "," + "gaze_origin_L.x(mm)" + "," + "gaze_origin_L.y(mm)" + "," + "gaze_origin_L.z(mm)" + "," + "gaze_origin_R.x(mm)" + "," + "gaze_origin_R.y(mm)" + "," + "gaze_origin_R.z(mm)" + "," + "gaze_direct_L.x" + "," + "gaze_direct_L.y" + "," + "gaze_direct_L.z" + "," + "gaze_direct_R.x" + "," + "gaze_direct_R.y" + "," + "gaze_direct_R.z" + "," + "gaze_sensitive" + "," + "frown_L" + "," + "frown_R" + "," + "squeeze_L" + "," + "squeeze_R" + "," + "wide_L" + "," + "wide_R" + "," + "distance_valid_C" + "," + "distance_C(mm)" + "," + "track_imp_cnt" + Environment.NewLine; File.AppendAllText("video_" + UserID + ".txt", variable); } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Measure eye movements in a callback function that HTC SRanipal provides. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** void Measurement() { EyeParameter eye_parameter = new EyeParameter(); SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeParameter(ref eye_parameter); Data_txt(); if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == true && eye_callback_registered == false) { SRanipal_Eye_v2.WrapperRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye_v2.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = true; } else if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == false && eye_callback_registered == true) { SRanipal_Eye_v2.WrapperUnRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye_v2.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = false; } } // ******************************************************************************************************************** // // Callback function to record the eye movement data. // Note that SRanipal_Eye_v2 does not work in the function below. It only works under UnityEngine. // // ******************************************************************************************************************** private static void EyeCallback(ref EyeData_v2 eye_data) { EyeParameter eye_parameter = new EyeParameter(); SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeParameter(ref eye_parameter); eyeData = eye_data; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Measure eye movements at the frequency of 120Hz until framecount reaches the maxframe count set. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ViveSR.Error error = SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeData_v2(ref eyeData); if (error == ViveSR.Error.WORK) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Measure each parameter of eye data that are specified in the guideline of SRanipal SDK. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MeasureTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; time_stamp = eyeData.timestamp; frame = eyeData.frame_sequence; eye_valid_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.eye_data_validata_bit_mask; eye_valid_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.eye_data_validata_bit_mask; openness_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.eye_openness; openness_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.eye_openness; pupil_diameter_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.pupil_diameter_mm; pupil_diameter_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.pupil_diameter_mm; pos_sensor_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.pupil_position_in_sensor_area; pos_sensor_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.pupil_position_in_sensor_area; gaze_origin_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_origin_mm; gaze_origin_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.gaze_origin_mm; gaze_direct_L = eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_direction_normalized; gaze_direct_R = eyeData.verbose_data.right.gaze_direction_normalized; gaze_sensitive = eye_parameter.gaze_ray_parameter.sensitive_factor; frown_L = eyeData.expression_data.left.eye_frown; frown_R = eyeData.expression_data.right.eye_frown; squeeze_L = eyeData.expression_data.left.eye_squeeze; squeeze_R = eyeData.expression_data.right.eye_squeeze; wide_L = eyeData.expression_data.left.eye_wide; wide_R = eyeData.expression_data.right.eye_wide; distance_valid_C = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.convergence_distance_validity; distance_C = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.convergence_distance_mm; track_imp_cnt = eyeData.verbose_data.tracking_improvements.count; ////track_imp_item = eyeData.verbose_data.tracking_improvements.items; // Convert the measured data to string data to write in a text file. string value = MeasureTime.ToString() + "," + time_stamp.ToString() + "," + frame.ToString() + "," + eye_valid_L.ToString() + "," + eye_valid_R.ToString() + "," + openness_L.ToString() + "," + openness_R.ToString() + "," + pupil_diameter_L.ToString() + "," + pupil_diameter_R.ToString() + "," + pos_sensor_L.x.ToString() + "," + pos_sensor_L.y.ToString() + "," + pos_sensor_R.x.ToString() + "," + pos_sensor_R.y.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_L.x.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_L.y.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_L.z.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_R.x.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_R.y.ToString() + "," + gaze_origin_R.z.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_L.x.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_L.y.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_L.z.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_R.x.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_R.y.ToString() + "," + gaze_direct_R.z.ToString() + "," + gaze_sensitive.ToString() + "," + frown_L.ToString() + "," + frown_R.ToString() + "," + squeeze_L.ToString() + "," + squeeze_R.ToString() + "," + wide_L.ToString() + "," + wide_R.ToString() + "," + distance_valid_C.ToString() + "," + distance_C.ToString() + "," + track_imp_cnt.ToString() + //track_imp_item.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; File.AppendAllText("video_" + UserID + ".txt", value); cnt_callback++; } } }
  7. @Corvus thank you very much! I managed to make the 360 video player within Unity, but the eye-tracker data is coming out null. When I printed out each steps, the problem seemed to be at the callback process. The eyedatacallback keeps coming back 'false'. I attached my code below. Thank you. using UnityEngine; using ViveSR.anipal.Eye; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine.UI; /// <summary> /// Example usage for eye tracking callback /// Note: Callback runs on a separate thread to report at ~120hz. /// Unity is not threadsafe and cannot call any UnityEngine api from within callback thread. /// </summary> public class CallbackExample : MonoBehaviour { private static EyeData eyeData = new EyeData(); private static bool eye_callback_registered = false; public Text uiText; private float updateSpeed = 0; private static float lastTime, currentTime; private void Update() { /* print("-----"); print(SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Status); print(SRanipal_Eye_Framework.FrameworkStatus.WORKING); print("-----");*/ if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Status != SRanipal_Eye_Framework.FrameworkStatus.WORKING) return; print("------"); print(SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback); print(eye_callback_registered); print("-----"); if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == true && eye_callback_registered == false) { print("1111"); SRanipal_Eye.WrapperRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = true; } else if (SRanipal_Eye_Framework.Instance.EnableEyeDataCallback == false && eye_callback_registered == true) { print("2222"); SRanipal_Eye.WrapperUnRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = false; } updateSpeed = currentTime - lastTime; uiText.text = updateSpeed.ToString() + " ms"; } private void OnDisable() { Release(); } void OnApplicationQuit() { Release(); } /// <summary> /// Release callback thread when disabled or quit /// </summary> private static void Release() { if (eye_callback_registered == true) { SRanipal_Eye.WrapperUnRegisterEyeDataCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((SRanipal_Eye.CallbackBasic)EyeCallback)); eye_callback_registered = false; } } /// <summary> /// Required class for IL2CPP scripting backend support /// </summary> internal class MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute : System.Attribute { public MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute() { } } /// <summary> /// Eye tracking data callback thread. /// Reports data at ~120hz /// MonoPInvokeCallback attribute required for IL2CPP scripting backend /// </summary> /// <param name="eye_data">Reference to latest eye_data</param> [MonoPInvokeCallback] private static void EyeCallback(ref EyeData eye_data) { Debug.Log("callback started"); // Gets data from anipal's Eye module eyeData = eye_data; lastTime = currentTime; currentTime = eyeData.timestamp; /* // The time when the frame was capturing. in millisecond. timeStamp = eyeData.timestamp; // The point in the eye from which the gaze ray originates in meter miles.(right-handed coordinate system) gazeOriginLeft = eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_origin_mm; gazeOriginRight = eyeData.verbose_data.right.gaze_origin_mm; Debug.Log("gazeOriginLeft: " + gazeOriginLeft); // The normalized gaze direction of the eye in [0,1].(right-handed coordinate system) gazeDirectionLeft = eyeData.verbose_data.left.gaze_direction_normalized; gazeDirectionRight = eyeData.verbose_data.right.gaze_direction_normalized; gazeDirectionCombined = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.eye_data.gaze_direction_normalized; Debug.Log("gaze_direction_left: " + gazeDirectionLeft); // The diameter of the pupil in milli meter pupilDiameterLeft = eyeData.verbose_data.left.pupil_diameter_mm; pupilDiameterRight = eyeData.verbose_data.right.pupil_diameter_mm; pupilDiameterCombined = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.eye_data.pupil_diameter_mm; Debug.Log("pupilDiameterLeft: " + pupilDiameterLeft); // A value representing how open the eye is in [0,1] eyeOpenLeft = eyeData.verbose_data.left.eye_openness; eyeOpenRight = eyeData.verbose_data.right.eye_openness; eyeOpenCombined = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.eye_data.eye_openness; Debug.Log("eyeOpenLeft: " + eyeOpenLeft); // The normalized position of a pupil in [0,1] pupilPositionLeft = eyeData.verbose_data.left.pupil_position_in_sensor_area; pupilPositionRight = eyeData.verbose_data.right.pupil_position_in_sensor_area; pupilPositionCombined = eyeData.verbose_data.combined.eye_data.pupil_position_in_sensor_area; Debug.Log("pupilPositionLeft: " + pupilPositionLeft); lock (DebugWriter) { CSVWriter.Write(); }*/ } }
  8. Hello, I'm very new to both Vive pro EYE and development. And I wanted to extract the gaze data from audience when they watch a 360 video. Do I need to import the 360 videos in Unity? or is there another way to access the eye-tracking data? I'm sorry if the question is too vague.
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