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Everything posted by bio998

  1. Ok, I've found the solution (I think). I placed XrFoveationConfigurationHTC[] Configs = new XrFoveationConfigurationHTC[2]; outside of the Start() function. After that it just started working... but I'm not sure exactly if this was what did it. I would say though that the documentation should be updated from this: using Wave.OpenXR.Foveation; to this: using Wave.OpenXR;
  2. I think I have found the more specific issue. I'm getting the error: When using the code above. How can I solve this Dll not found exception?
  3. Update: I removed the error by just using: using Wave.OpenXR; instead of using Wave.OpenXR.Foveation; HOWEVER: It doesn't seem to matter what setting I use, I can't detect any foveated rendering actually happening in the build. I have checked that the code is running using a log statement. Anyone know how to get it working? My current full script implementation: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; //using Wave.OpenXR.Foveation; #if VIVE using Wave.OpenXR; #endif public class ViveXR_Functions : MonoBehaviour { #if VIVE //from documentation https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-mobile/tutorials/unity/using-foveation-in-your-app/ [SerializeField] XrFoveationModeHTC UsingMode; void Start() { XrFoveationConfigurationHTC[] Configs = new XrFoveationConfigurationHTC[2]; /////////////////////Setting for left eye///////////////////////////// Configs[0].level = XrFoveationLevelHTC.XR_FOVEATION_LEVEL_HIGH_HTC; // Configs[0].clearFovDegree = 0; // Configs[0].focalCenterOffset.x = 0.0f; // Configs[0].focalCenterOffset.y = 0.0f; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////Setting for right eye///////////////////////////// Configs[1].level = XrFoveationLevelHTC.XR_FOVEATION_LEVEL_HIGH_HTC; // Configs[1].clearFovDegree = 0; // Configs[1].focalCenterOffset.x = 0.0f; // Configs[1].focalCenterOffset.y = 0.0f; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch (UsingMode) { //XR_FOVEATION_MODE_FIXED_HTC: The position of foveation is fixed case XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_FIXED_HTC: ViveFoveation.ApplyFoveationHTC(XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_FIXED_HTC, 0, null); break; //XR_FOVEATION_MODE_DYNAMIC_HTC: the position of foveation can be addjust case XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_DYNAMIC_HTC: ViveFoveation.ApplyFoveationHTC(XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_DYNAMIC_HTC, 0, null); break; //XR_FOVEATION_MODE_CUSTOM_HTC: the foveation will use the custom setting case XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_CUSTOM_HTC: ViveFoveation.ApplyFoveationHTC(UsingMode, 2, Configs); break; case XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_MAX_ENUM_HTC: ViveFoveation.ApplyFoveationHTC(XrFoveationModeHTC.XR_FOVEATION_MODE_MAX_ENUM_HTC, 0, null); break; default: Debug.Log("VIVE foveation NOT set"); break; } } #endif }
  4. I'm trying to implement foveated rendering in my game, but I'm getting the error in the title when using using Wave.OpenXR.Foveation; I'm following the documentation here https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-mobile/tutorials/unity/using-foveation-in-your-app/ I'm using: Unity 2020.3.38f1 VIVE OpenXR Plugin - Android 1.0.4 OpenXR Plugin 1.4.2 In "XR plugin management", I've enabled "OpenXR" with "VIVE Focus 3 Support feature group", and in the OpenXR VIVE Focus 3 Support features, I've enabled 'VIVE Focus 3 Support' and 'VIVE Focus 3 Foveation' I'm not sure what is wrong, but my project did used to have the Wave plugin, which I removed, and I started from scratch using the VIVE OpenXR Plugin. The full error: "Assets\Scripts\PlatformManager\PlatformManagerBen.cs(17,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Foveation' does not exist in the namespace 'Wave.OpenXR' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" Anyone had the same issue? Can you help? Do I also need the VIVE Wave XR Plugin? I thought not as that is a separate backend.. but elsewhere in the documentation it refers to the VIVE OpenXR Plugin as 'VIVE Wave OpenXR Plugin & Toolkit' which is a bit confusing.
  5. Hi, I'd like to detect when the user does a 're-center' from the SteamVR menu when using my game. How do I detect a recenter event? The equivalent in the Oculus SDK is to subscribe to the OVRManager event: OVRManager.display.RecenteredPose += SomeFunction; How do I do it using SteamVR? (I'm using Unity 2019.4.22f1) Thanks!
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