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  1. This is the setting for my project, and it work well on focus3 & quest2: 1. Import WaveDeviceLayouts.cs 2. Change your XR Rig's components value as below Add Quaternion Fallback for RotationAction was very important, My Focus can track the rotation after doing this. XRHMD was not required if you don't need quest2 or other device. Hope it help for anyone who has same trouble.
  2. @chengnay It worked perfectly in new project, It will display the hand model even if I didn't edit the SimulatorModule.cs. I also tried on my original project with VIU's example scene(UGUI) and it didn't display.
  3. @chengnay I can edit the file SimulatorModule.cs, but it seem that unityEditor check the files in packages got change or not. If is, it will throw me the warning that I reply. Yes, I can see controller model before, but since I edit the file. It won't display anymore. even if I restore the copy of source code back.
  4. @chengnay I edit all of Enum VRModuleDeviceClass.Controller to VRModuleDeviceClass.TrackedHand. And the lines 252, 422, 441, and 811 got change. I just restore the changes of line 252 and 811 be it still not rendering. by the way I got a warning : The package cache was invalidated and rebuilt because the following immutable asset(s) were unexpectedly altered:Packages/com.htc.upm.vive-input-utility/VRModule/Modules/SimulatorModule.cs So maybe I don't have permission to edit this file?
  5. @percy01 Yes. But it seem that my account had a limit of reply and it will reset everyday. So if I submit too many reply, I will get a notify message, and can't reply anymore until tomorrow.
  6. @chengnay It seem that still wasn't working to me... Here is my testing code, and it will always print "Nothing" is there anything I miss it? public class Test : MonoBehaviour { public void Update() { if(VivePose.TryGetHandJointPose(HandRole.LeftHand, HandJointName.IndexTip, out var indexTip)) { RuntimeDebug.Log($"indexTip pos={indexTip.pose.pos}\r\n rot={indexTip.pose.rot}"); } else if (VivePose.TryGetHandJointPose(HandRole.LeftHand, HandJointName.IndexProximal, out var indexProximal)) { RuntimeDebug.Log($"indexProximal pos={indexProximal.pose.pos}\r\n rot={indexProximal.pose.rot}"); } else { RuntimeDebug.LogWarning("Nothing"); } } }
  7. @chengnay I got it, thank you very much. I will give it a try and reply here if I got any trouble.
  8. @chengnay Sorry, but how can I get the variable "hand" in your example code? And ViveJointPoseTracker seem notworking to me. the log will just log once time when I open my fingers, and it won't update anymore. Am I wrong in my understanding on this API? My testing code: public class Test : ViveJointPoseTracker { public override void OnNewPoses() { RuntimeDebug.Log($"{posOffset}\r\n{transform.position}\r\n{origin.position}"); } }
  9. @chengnay Thank for your reply. But is there any alternative solutions for this? Like using ViveJointPoseTracker to discriminate what gesture it is?
  10. I can get callback from TestListener.cs when my gesture was index pinch, middle pinch. But it doesn't work if listening other gesture like fist, five, ok... And here is my testing properties.
  11. @chengnay No, I didn't. I can grab object now since I add it on. Thank you very much.
  12. It seem like I miss something on ViveCameraRig, I can grab the dice by using VROrigin in sample scene but can't by using ViveCameraRig in my scene. But I don't know what is missing in ViveCameraRig, may you tell me which components were really require?
  13. @chengnay Yes, it can be grab at sample scene. For some reason I can't share my project sorry about that.
  14. I'm trying to create a grabbable object by using BasicGrabbable, and it not working to me. Seem like I had miss something to achieve this, but I have no idea. Here is my BasicGrabbable settings and tracker
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