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  1. When I try to reach viveport.com on my PC, it returns a dark empty page. Anyone knows why?
  2. Same for me. I don't know why?
  3. @dev_imag-ing hello. No. I am just manually copying apk to device and install it every time I need to test my app. For some reason it does not work. I gave up trying.
  4. Hello, Using Unity 2019.4.8.f1 and a Focus Plus. Trying to use Direct Preview and receiving the messages. I tried a lot but could not solve the issue. "Uninstall Direct Preview device APK failed." "Install Direct Preview device APK failed." "Create Direct Preview folder failed, /sdcard/Direct/Preview folder might be exist!" "Push config failed" Need help here. 😑 I am sure I am doing a very silly thing somewhere but could not find it. Thank you very much.
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