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  1. Working nice ... since the time that we are waiting for that fix ... Thanks to continue to do few update ! 🙂
  2. @C.T. New private/test version is only for 4090 users ? I am using the vive app from SteamVR and be a 3090 owner with frame drops and stuttering too....
  3. Hi, same problem here and never found a real fix if I try to close from the SteamVR console ... but ... since I click on the VR button from Steam interface (at the top right) to 'disable/turn off' VR, it's work like a charm, very rare cases of crash since this way to do...
  4. Just a global feedback for me : a good release .. no issue so far 😁
  5. You can delete my previous post (hidden for the moment....) Thx
  6. Cannot edit my last message .... resolved for me .... full uninstall of all Vive programs + uninstall of streamVR + delete of all related folders ... + reinstall from scratch ... now working again .... 🥵
  7. I have reply in the new public release, for the moment my message is hidden ?! ... ***** drivers , cannot use from now my headset ☠️
  8. I will do that this week ... but I have just see that from now it's used as a public release ( ... I will test that ASAP tonight or tomorrow and cross finger to have an usable headset after that update .... because if same issue with beta and public = cannot use anymore my headset 🤐
  9. Total s*** drivers for Vive Pro 2, cannot be used ... duplicate screen (like the center mirror of a car) on the right screen and blinking, not usable except headache in less than 2min, I have revert back to no beta drivers....
  10. Hello, Done, ticket made last week, but put on the new release : Regards.
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