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  1. Hi, @Tony PH Lin, Thank you for your prompt reply! Yes, I am looking for the method to disable Chaperone. please guide me to the enterprise forum. Thanks
  2. Hi, there Is it possible to disable the "Boundary Lost" message inside my Apps on Focus 3? I would like to check if user out of boundary and then set the Arena's range and orientation automatically in my app. I looked through the sdk documentation and only found a function name WVR_GetArena() in the package named "Vive Wave XR Plugin - Native" related to this topic. And I would also like to know if I can forcibly terminate the "boundary lost" Activity when it occurs? Could you give me more information? Thank you
  3. I have solved this problem. For somebody who may need: Notice that the code like that AndroidJavaObject joIntent = joPackageManager.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getLaunchIntentForPackage", "vive.wave.vr.eye.calibration") will not return the Intent correctly may caused by our apk have no permission to get the list of package name, it seems a little weird. However, it worked for me when I manually created an Intent and used hard-coded calls to the eye calibration activity.
  4. Hi, Alex. Still not works. Our code works well on Pico Neo 2 eye while invoking built-in eye calibration activity. Does it need pass any parameter when trying to launch "vive.wave.vr.eye.calibration"? Our code: public static void OpenPackage(string pkgName) { using (AndroidJavaClass jcPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) { using (AndroidJavaObject joActivity = jcPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity")) { using (AndroidJavaObject joPackageManager = joActivity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getPackageManager")) { using (AndroidJavaObject joIntent = joPackageManager.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getLaunchIntentForPackage", pkgName)) { if (null != joIntent) { joActivity.Call("startActivity", joIntent); } } } } } } // invoke eye calibration #if UNITY_ANDROID Utils.Android.OS.OpenPackage("vive.wave.vr.eye.calibration"); #endif I aslo add queries to AndroidManifest.xml <queries> <package android:name="vive.wave.vr.eye.calibration" /> </queries>
  5. To the best of my knowledge, I can use AndroidJavaObject to start the Wave built-in eye calibration Activity if I know the package name of the eye calibration Activity, like "com.htc.usercalibration.focus3". I guess.
  6. Hello, I am developing an app with Unity Wave SDK on "Focus 3 + Eye Tracker". Is there a way to execute eye calibration when the user clicks a button in my app? I cannot found related APIs in document or source code. Thank you.
  7. Hi, @Alex_HTC, thanks for your reply. Is there any plan to add this feature to the DirectPreview mode of "Unity3D VIVE WAVE XR Plugin" as well?
  8. I found i cannot obtain the eyeTrackingData when running the EyeTracking Demo in DirectPreview(DP) mode. Wave.Essence.Eye.EyeManager Update() m_LocationSpace: World, hasEyeTrackingData: False I wonder if the current version of DP supports transferring eye tracking data from the new Focus 3 Eye Tracker Accessory. Or is it that the only way to access eye tracking data is to build an apk? Thanks.
  9. According to the doc, i think the eye tracking feature is only supplied by Wave SDK Essence package so far.
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