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  1. @Alex_HTC the difference is not just the endpoint.... Git method (new): Requires the user to have git installed on his machine and depending on the level of the developer maybe he doesn't even know what git is.... You cannot discover new versions automatically, you have to manually go to the git repository and check if there is a new release... You have to put the url in the manifest.json file, so the dependencies you can put in your own packages to "com.htc.upm.vive.openxr" with a specific version, are useless. Scope Registry method (above): You don't have to have git installed Going to the UI of the package manager the new versions appear if there are any. You can in your own packagees put dependencies to packages like "com.htc.upm.vive.openxr" with specific versions.
  2. Same problem here... It is the most common form of installation nowadays. Now they do not document that way to install it: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unity/tutorials/how-to-install-vive-openxr-plugin/ Maybe it has been removed, but if so, it has not been notified or anything... At least you can install it with git but it's not ideal: https://github.com/ViveSoftware/VIVE-OpenXR/tree/master/com.htc.upm.vive.openxr manifest.json: "com.htc.upm.vive.openxr": "https://github.com/ViveSoftware/VIVE-OpenXR.git?path=/com.htc.upm.vive.openxr#versions/2.0.0", There is an attempt to include it in OpenUPM at least to recover that functionality through a third party: https://github.com/openupm/openupm/pull/4388
  3. @Alex_HTC As I said, we are using the example that comes with the package. The code of the tutorial is the same but incomplete, while the code of the example inside the package is complete. There, in the "else" there is code to hide the gameObject. The value of "allowUntrackedPose" does not matter for the case that I say that is to show or hide the gameObject, that variable is only used in the logic of move/rotate each joint. The basic problem is that the 4 variables (posValid, posTracked, rotValid, rotTracked) return incorrect values for the case of "hide" the hands, it seems that it still believes that they are in sight. My concern is that underneath it uses OpenXR APIs and that the problem goes beyond some focus 3 update, software on Windows from HTC, etc that causes something to malfunction. Can you please test this case? Several of us have check it on different equipment, focus 3, etc.
  4. @Alex_HTC@Vivi Wu Info: Unity: "2021.3.2f1" Package "com.htc.upm.vive.openxr": "1.0.9". Device: "HTC VIVE Focus 3". I have imported: "HandTracking Example" which is the same as explained in this page: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-pcvr/tutorials/unity/how-integrate-hand-tracking-data-your-hand-model/ Well every time I "hide" the hands, the gameObject is still active, it is never deactivated, the only thing that happens is that it stops reporting new positions of the joints. I see that this logic is done through the script "RenderModel" but what I see is that the flags of "XrSpaceLocationFlags" return incorrect values when you "hide" the hands.
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