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  1. Hello. I'm stuck with 8 headsets on 5.0.999.918 I can't update them by any means I have here, no matter what i try (trough VBMS or menus/options/boot menu) Where can i get the firmware for an updatable version in the shortest delays ? I have customers coming tonight and My new map isn't compatible with those anymore. Where can I find them? I can't find them anywhere even on the developer forum. Yoirgl
  2. Hello @Alex_HTC I'm also having an issue with scene alignment. I'm testing first with only one marker in a tiny room ( 4x4), I built a test scene on Unity and followed VERY carefully and multiple times the entire process for map creation, aruco creation and placement, etc. I'm using the focus 3 through VBS and I followed the tutorial for the debug message to send to openVR driver. It works but badly. Basically what i get is a scene that seems well oriented (will be better when i do with 2 arucos) but the placement is wrong. I placed a marker on my virtual scene and the offset between the real-world one and the virtual one is at least 10cm on one axis and around 20-30 on the other. here are some screenshots/videos Do you have any idea what's going wrong ? I'm using VBS 1.13.8b and corresponding app, steamVR 2.2.3 unity 2021.3.4f1 and so far every single tests i did with arucos has been unsuccessful. Any help is Welcome, best, Antoine VID_20240126_134447.mp4
  3. Hello, Will there be a fix for the passtrough "bleed" on the edge of the screen as well as seen on my video ? It's important for me to know this as it impacts the viability of my builds.
  4. Hello, I also have an issue with this feature. I'm using Unity and for me it works fine for passtrough. My issue if when the image displayed is 100% VR, when moving the head left to right, i see that the passtrough image is in the background and it gives me some white "screen borders" (possibly asynchronous spacewarp issue ?) in the video it's SteamVR home but in any custom game made, the border issue is the same. (sorry for the quality, i have no dedicated "trough the lens" setup) Best, Yoirgl 20231010_133344.mp4
  5. Hello, I'm glad this new feature for multiple controller support is implemented but i still can't seem to be able to get it to work. I'm attempting to get hand tracking + wrist tracker on my left hand and default controller on my right hand and whatever i try wia VBC or trough the default UI, I cannot get both to work at the same time. Is that still not supported ? And what is the intended pipeline to pair multiple devices to one headset ? Yoirgl.
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