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Everything posted by HTC_Abby

  1. Function introduction Wave SDK provides native hand tracking APIs for hand tracking integration. Fully support features include 27-joint poses, hand gesture recognition, and UI interactions.In this video, we have shown a quick guide on how easy it is to import wave hand prefab to your existing unity content which allows you to add hand tracking integrate in no time. Followed by a simple app “VRS studio” by the latest Wave SDK and Vive Input Utility(VIU) specifically on hand sections, we demonstrated UI interactions, grabbing objects, rock-paper-scissors mini games, and also typing on a virtual keyboard. These are just some examples of what you can do with hand tracking. HandTrackingStarterGuide_0322_ver3.mp4 - Simple hand tutorial demo - Hand touch button demo - Hand crab object demo - Slide button by hand demo - Gesture application – finger guessing game - IME Typing by hand demo Document Guide for Wave SDK - SDK tutorial for hand feature https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRHand.html
  2. Function introduction Vive Input Utility (VIU) unity plugin provides developers with general features that will speed up app building process. This video delivers a simple VIU tutorial to show how developers can easily add controllers, hand tracking, and UI interaction features into their apps with VIU. For the controller tracking, this tutorial demonstrated some common designs including teleporting, selecting with ray interactor, grabbing objects, and more. For the hand tracking, this tutorial covers from adding default hand features, customizing hand models (changing skin, material, or lighting), to adding UI interactions. VIU video_0322.mp4 Document Vive developers https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-sense/tools/vive-input-utility/ Vive Input Utility wiki https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/wiki
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