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Everything posted by wangmm

  1. Hi @mattia.barbieri91 I have tried the code under your instructions in unity. And attached is my output. The problem is when I attached the script into the unity project, my eyes can't be tracked. (The Eye sample scene v_2 in the viveSR, the avatar's eyes don't open or move). When I tick on the cal_need and result_cal in the Eye Tracker, the unity would stuck out as long as I click run the scene. Also, even I didn't wear the headset, the dartboard in the sample scene is also be highlighted along with the headset moving. I think it's apparently this output is not correct. Did you come across this problem? Thank you so much for your reply and help! best, June StandardSaccade_IDnumber.txt
  2. Hello Mattia, So nice of you! I will try the method and script you provided ASAP. And I will update to you if there are any outcomes! Thank you so much for your help. Wish you happy! All the best, June
  3. Hi, sorry to bother you. I am struggling to extract the eye-tracking data out. But I am confusing about the information that the SRainpal SDK provided. Could you please tell me how to extract the data using unity & C# in your convenience? Thank you for your help! All the best, June
  4. Hi, I am using the unity to do some VR research. My current hardware is Vive eye-pro headset. I wanna know how to extract the eye-tracking data like gaze origin and gaze direction. Though there are many files in the Srainpal SDK, but I still cannot find where the data is. Also, the document in the SDK wrote very few things about the data extraction. I read all the post in the eye-tracking forum blog but find nothing detailed. Can anyone help me to get out of this? I am very new about this!! APPRECIATE FOR YOUR HELP!!!
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