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  1. You have acess to the business store, maybe C.T could open up acess to the XR elite store?
  2. It can be downloaded from your VBMS heres some direct links, if you not signed up for the VBMS its not available for you. VIVE Business Management System - login link
  3. You will probably have to provide proof of purchase and everything since the focus3 is probably registred to the other user. Else contact the seller and have them send you a batch file and instructions. This is a enterprise headset and sadly it comes with limitations on moving devices to other user, the subscription and so on. Anything Vive do is a gesture of will in this case probably.
  4. Create a new batch without auto enrollment is the solution. Your headset is currently on auto enrollment if factory reset, this is basically a safety measure and what you choose when you made the batch file. VIVE Device Management System | VIVE Business European Union - login to old VBMS if you on VB+
  5. Get a movie on the headset and then run it on repeat for 10hours or any video and continue untill it goes away or contact support.
  6. I remember I found this feature in a beta build back in the days and havent seen it since, It was super neat having the menu and transparency mode at the same time. Can we have the feature back? Change of home enviroments? Its super handy being able to move around and using the menu at the same time. Thanks C.T and the team for amazing upgrades so far ! Kind Regards
  7. Is there a issue thread raised at qualcomm kinda like the microsoft bugs you can follow updates on?
  8. Thanks for the quick reply, I guess we will have to go the long way route of aquiring the APK´s until something shows up. Kind Regards
  9. I guess I could DM @C.T. directly but I think more than me are interested in if we will get acess to the XR Elite store or apps? Do we get an update that gives acess to the store or will the apps be out in the business store? Would be good if we had a documentation for this as some apps/games will be nice to show when we are out on exhibitions showing off our own apps but also what is available in VR. Kind Regards
  10. Create a new batch file without checking the apply after reset the stock one should suffice then factory reset 🙂
  11. Your headset fails to create a map of your playspace, might be due to strong sunlight, nothing to hook onto and so on. Check up on your playspace and try again :)
  12. Works great even seems to have put the fan up a notch on my headsets, I noticed that I can hear crackling noises when using the Virtual audio device, tried on 3 different PC´s and fresh windows 10. Other than that great release
  13. If you turn off the headset they should automatically turn off, if you put it into standby then you have to manually turn off the controllers. Some versions had a bug where controllers didnt go into full standby/turn off so make sure latest firmware and if continous issues make a support case with HTC
  14. Solid update, hopefully we can get the FPS value back 😉
  15. I 2nd this give us the FPS value back and thanks @C.T. and team ❤️
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