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Posts posted by vethetheth

  1. Hello, first of all thanks for your answer. I would love to know more about vive business streaming and how can i make it working in the editor : i just tried it again, directpreview does not work... I get an image in the headset, but it is static. I followed the tutorial countless times, and i feel that i am close to having a direct preview, but it doesn't work... I have no errors, i tried multiple rigs and cameras : the headset does not move in play mode, and if i close an eye, i can see a part of the scene clearly... But it's like an image that doesn't move

    Thanks in advance


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  2. Do not worry, pico neo is here, with better hand tracking, ACTUAL documentation and commented code. HTC really needs to make their docs user-friendly or they will loose the few developpers trying to create apps for this headset... This is really sad that they were pioneer some years before and now it just crumbles... If the informations were not scattered around 23 different websites, and outdated, we would actually be able to develop. The fact that even the HTC Preview in unity play doesn't work shows how little the support is for the devs...

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  3. Hello, I am having the same problem on HTC Focus 3

    It doesn't work at all on wifi. Followed the procedures of the official documentation countless times, no error, everything works, the server is on, helmet is detected... But static image on the helmet...

    After multiple hours of test, I managed to make it work with a very non-practicle hybrid method :

    I set up the settings for the wifi, then switch to the usb panel and launch the stream app, then the apk. I have an image on the unity editor but not on the helmet (thanks usb), so it is not really usable.
    It is very tiresome to build our apks again and again, could you please make a tutorial that goes from A to Z, one time, to have the directpreview working on wifi ?

    It will save us so much time.

    Thanks in advance.

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