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  1. @chengnayCurrently I am using 2021.3.2f1 LTS version.
  2. @chengnayVIVE FOCUS 3 using wave SDK work with Unity2021?
  3. @chengnay I have testd SRWork sample with Unity 2019 before. It works properly in Unity 2019. But, VR Headset is no camera image in Unity 2020 or 2021. Thank you for the information, I will try it.
  4. @chengnayYes, I have tested the SRWork sample. When I import Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage, I get a ModelImporter error. (In Unity 2020 & 2021) I tried to fix these errors. But there is still a new problem, so I added csc.rsp to the project folder \ Assets with the content -unsafe file. When I play in Unity, only Unity has a camera image but there is a problem. VR Headset is no camera image. Final result I record a video and upload to my Youtube . HTC PRO EYE passthrough failure for Unity 2021
  5. @C.T.Thank you for your reply. Do you have any good suggestions? Because I have tested SRWork SDK, and it seems to have problems in Unity 2020, 2021. That's why I'm testing with Wave SDK.
  6. Hello everyone, Recently I've been testing the passthrough function of VR Headset. However, I had problems running PassThrough or PassThroughOverlay in the sample. The package manager is already installed with VIVE OpenXR plugin & VIVE Wave XR Plugin. However, there is a DllNotFoundException problem when running. I searched my computer and found wave_api.dll I copied it to Assets\Plugins , but unfortunately the problem is still not solved. Does anyone know what this problem is or how to solve it? My VR Headset is HTC VIVE PRO EYE Unity : 2021.3.2f1
  7. Hi, Thank you for your reply, I am testing other passthrough samples, and can also encounter some problems. Can not find the reason is very troubling.
  8. HI guys, I'm loading and testing the SceneUnderstandingScene sample . unity shows some scripts missing. Am I missing import something? The project already install Wave XP plugin, Wave OpenXR-Windows. My VR headset is VIVE PRO EYE.
  9. HI, I'm testing the SceneUnderstandingScene sample and I find some of the scripts are missing. Am I missing some part?
  10. Hi, Why does the import of "Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage" give an "it is read only" error? Unity version : 2021.3.2f1
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