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Ayushi Kohli

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Everything posted by Ayushi Kohli

  1. I am trying to use HTC Vive for my VR based teleoperation project. I have used it earlier and everything was working fine. After a month gap, I tried to use it again but faced the following error: "OpenVR failed to initialize with the given error: VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound" . After making all the connections carefully (orange cables connected to the orange side, video output cables connected with the same graphics card of the CPU, usb and power supply cable connected to the CPU), nothing is getting detected and headset is having a red light on. I have tried reinstalling steam but nothing changed. There is no problem with the power supply and HDMI cable as well. I also replaced USB cable but still facing same error. I am confused whether the problem is with link box or headset. Hoping for the advice from the experts here.
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