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  1. Awesome!!! It's look like can implement some feature in my project. Thx VIVE team !!!
  2. Hi,@VIVE_chengnay,Thanks your repley. may I implement one hand align Gun Butt and other hand align Hand Guard when grab?
  3. I would like implement two hand grab gun feature. And when I set Align Postion & rotation toggle and my first hand grab the gun it can do Align , but my second hand gran gun align is not working. I would like my hand align Gun Butt and Hand Guard. It can be done? like this Desktop 2023.10.05 - - Trim - Trim.mp4
  4. I am using VIU's "Examples-> 4. Teleport" with Oculus Quest2. In Quest2, I changed to DPadUpTouch, but it didn't work. How can I get it to teleport via DPadUpTouch?
  5. Hi , @chengnay,thanks your replay. I try DPadUpTouch, but it's not working. DPadUpTouch can support Quest2?
  6. Hi , When I Use ViveInputVirtualButton component To Detect Oculus Quest2 Joystick up touch Event,It didnt work . how can I resolve it?
  7. Hi , @chengnay thanks your replay, it's work , thanks!
  8. Hi , Whan I use My custom hand model and build Android Applicataion in Oculus Quest2. Whan Application Run , Custom hand model will Show up. But whan I press Oculus system button on culus ontroller Custom hand model will disapper My "Render Model Hook" setting : Environment: 1.unity 2020.3.25 2.viu version :1.17.0 3.XR Plugin Management :4.2.1 4.Oculus XR Plugin : 1.11.2 bug report.mp4
  9. Hi , @chengnay thanks your replay, Problem solved when updated to latest version. Thasks for helping.
  10. Hi , @chengnay thanks your replay, I did it whan I update VIU to latest version.
  11. HI, When I teleport to higher place but my device height won'tchang. environment:unity 2020.3.25 play mode viu version :1.13.4
  12. Hi @chengnay,Thank you for the reply. It seem to be work. Thanks for helping.
  13. Hi @chengnay,Thank you for the reply. In my case, I have a physical device it can send a keybord signal through bluetooth. customer requirements is Use keybord signal to implement grab Behavior. If I use mouse click signal to Grab Obect ,is it possible?
  14. Hi @chengnay,Thank you for the reply. Thanks for helping.
  15. Hi @chengnay,Thank you for the reply Yes,I use Bluetooth keyboard to achieve grab Object . by the way,My VR Device is Oculus quest2 Thanks!
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