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  1. Hi, I'm trying to access a .txt file located in the SD card of my Focus 3 in Unity's Editor. No problem getting the path and reading the file on build, I've got a function to get the path. However, to get the path in editor, I'm using string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Get file", "", "txt");. Which does work for other disks than the SD card but returns nothing when I specify the .txt file located in the headset SD card. Any idea? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to authorize access somewhere?
  2. I forgot to update sorry, actually my Path System Environmental Variable wasn't set for all users so Unity couldn't find it. Put it in system and now it works just fine!
  3. Edit : My Path System Environmental Variable is correctly set but it still won't work and won't show in cmd using "adb devices" command.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to get DirectPreview to work (USB for now) on Unity 2021.3.16f1 but it's telling me Adb does not exist. I checked in my Android SDK path and found it, can't manually open it however. Can you help me please ?
  5. Hi! I'm a dev working on a new VR project and am considering getting a Vive Focus 3 for the next prototype. I know I can only use 2 Wrist Trackers but need a lot more than that. Since Trackers 3.0 are technically usable without a headset using base stations only, I was wondering if a hybrid system combining both the Focus 3 connected to the app with Wireless Streaming and Trackers 3.0 also connected to the app with the base stations would be possible? We're working with OpenXR on Unity. Thanks 🙂
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