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Everything posted by 1099

  1. I have changed the setting, but it is still the same, and not slight improvement. I will send you the project directly in a moment. Thank you.
  2. @VIVE_chengnay Thank you, I unchecked the Auto Foveation and built an apk and test it but still remains a flicker edge problem.
  3. Hi, I am having a flickering edge problem with objects' textures. I recorded the video from Vive Focus 3 (I built the APK from Unity and loaded it to Focus 3). As you can see in the video, the purple bus object' texture is flickering. You can see it a lot on the left side of the bus. This is just an example, but I have a lot of objects in the other scene, and many objects have flickering problems. I am not using URP and just the Standard Render Pipeline. I googled change the setting of 1. Project setting -> Quality -> Anti Aliasing to 4x or 8x 2. WaveXRSettings -> Foveation mode to Enable changed the ClearVisonFOV 3. WaveXRSe5ttings => ResolutionScale is set to 1 but nothing effect. Is there any solution to fix this flickering problem? flickring.mp4
  4. Is WaveVR_Render.cs changed the name? I can't find the script.
  5. @VIVE_chengnay Yes, only controller modes are invisible, and I am not getting controller modes in the hierarchy, only the first scene. As you can see, there are controller models attached when I moved to the next scene. WaveXR_IniOnLoad contains only the WaveXRRunTimeInitializeOn Load script and it attached when I in first scene and 2nd scene.
  6. I have Rigidbody but not the Ridigidbody script. I haven't tried it yet, but I will try it! Thank you!g
  7. Hi, the controllers are invisible when I start to play a new scene. I have multiple scenes, and the controllers are visible when moved to different scenes. Only both controllers are not showing in the first scene. What possibly causing the problem? Is the WaveXR_InitOnLoad causing this problem? What does WaveXR_InitOnLoad?
  8. I set Tooltips similar to the example scene from the HTC.UnityPlugin > ViveInputUtility > Examples > 10. ControllerTooltips works in the Simulator mode (Unity play mode). However, I didn't see any tooltip component after I built the project. Is there any solution for this? I am wondering why I don't see it in the build.
  9. @VIVE_chengnay yes! This is the one I was looking for! Thank you!
  10. Hi, I am using Wave SDK and no other SDK Native or Essential. I am wondering how I can lock the player's position so that when the user moves in the real environment but keeps the same position in the VR environment. I am not using a teleporter or continuous movement so not worry about disorienting.
  11. I have a cube (wall) with a collider isTrigger not been checked. The player still goes through the cube and does not collide with the cube. How can I make a player collide with the cube and not pass through?
  12. Thank you for this. Do I need to install Wave Native SDK to use this function?
  13. @Alex_HTC, I see! Mine looks like C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2022.2.15f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK so I should set up Variable as Path and the value will be?? "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2022.2.15f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools" in the User variables window?
  14. I am following this tutorial Using Direct Preview For Testing On The Headset With Unity - Developer Resources (vive.com), and I am a bit confused about step 6 of Confirm Unity is using the correct Android adb.exe file. Where is the Oath variable? Is it in the System variable or in user variables? I am getting Adb does not exist warning in the DirectPreview window. I did reboot my PC but still getting this.
  15. I can't share the project because this is not my personal project. I wish I could share. You have multiple scenes, and each scene has player prefab(what is in the prefab? ViveCameraRig includes camera and left/right hand?). The player prefab contains many game objects, including ViveCameraRig. All player prefab contain ViveCameraRig and has camera and left/right hand. Your app will switch scene by reloading each scene? This app will switch scenes by AsyncOperation asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName); The issue comes after unloading from A scene to B scene? The issue comes when loading Scene A to Scene B. I don't get the error message while I am Scene A but I get this error message when I am in scene B.
  16. I am not loading scenes by the additive. There are multiple custom player prefabs, so I have many player prefabs, and each scene has a different player prefab. One thing I realized that, I get VIUModelViveController object (I attached the image) under the Hand Model but some of player prefabs won't have these. Do you know why sometime I get this prefab and sometime not?
  17. I am building an Oculus VR app. I want to also build for Windows desktop. I did build app for Windows desktop, but I am getting top button split screen and I am not able to control anything. How can I build for Windows Desktop? I am not using OpenXR, I am using Vive input utility for development.
  18. //========= Copyright 2016-2022, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. =========== using HTC.UnityPlugin.Utility; using HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive { // This script creates and handles SteamVR_RenderModel using viveRole property or device index [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("VIU/Hooks/Render Model Hook", 10)] public class RenderModelHook : MonoBehaviour, IViveRoleComponent { public interface ICustomModel { void OnAfterModelCreated(RenderModelHook hook); /// <summary> /// If from all components return true, hook will perform SetActive(true) on this model after this message /// </summary> bool OnBeforeModelActivated(RenderModelHook hook); /// <summary> /// If from all components return true, hook will perform SetActive(false) on this model after this message /// </summary> bool OnBeforeModelDeactivated(RenderModelHook hook); } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class CreatorPriorityAttirbute : Attribute { public int priority { get; set; } public CreatorPriorityAttirbute(int priority = 0) { this.priority = priority; } } public abstract class RenderModelCreator { public abstract bool shouldActive { get; } protected RenderModelHook hook { get; private set; } public void Initialize(RenderModelHook hook) { this.hook = hook; } public abstract void UpdateRenderModel(); public abstract void CleanUpRenderModel(); } public class DefaultRenderModelCreator : RenderModelCreator { private struct DefaultModelData { public bool isLoaded; public GameObject model; } private static EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, DefaultModelData> s_defaultModels = new EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, DefaultModelData>(); private bool m_isModelActivated; private EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, GameObject> m_modelObjs = new EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, GameObject>(); private VRModuleDeviceModel m_activeModel; [Obsolete] protected GameObject m_model; public override bool shouldActive { get { return true; } } protected VRModuleDeviceModel activeDefaultModel { get { return m_activeModel; } } protected bool isDefaultModelActive { get { return m_isModelActivated; } } public static GameObject GetDefaultDeviceModelPrefab(VRModuleDeviceModel modelNum) { if (modelNum < s_defaultModels.Min || modelNum > s_defaultModels.Max) { return null; } var modelData = s_defaultModels[modelNum]; if (!modelData.isLoaded) { GameObject modelPrefab = null; int modelNameIndex; var info = EnumUtils.GetDisplayInfo(typeof(VRModuleDeviceModel)); if (info.value2displayedIndex.TryGetValue((int)modelNum, out modelNameIndex)) { modelPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Models/VIUModel" + info.displayedNames[modelNameIndex]); } s_defaultModels[modelNum] = modelData = new DefaultModelData() { isLoaded = true, model = modelPrefab, }; } return modelData.model; } public override void UpdateRenderModel() { UpdateDefaultRenderModel(true); } protected void UpdateDefaultRenderModel(bool shouldActive) { var deviceState = VRModule.GetDeviceState(hook.GetModelDeviceIndex()); var lastModelActivated = m_isModelActivated; var lastActivatedModel = m_activeModel; var shouldActiveModelNum = hook.overrideModel == OverrideModelEnum.DontOverride ? deviceState.deviceModel : (VRModuleDeviceModel)hook.overrideModel; var shouldActiveModelPrefab = shouldActive ? GetDefaultDeviceModelPrefab(shouldActiveModelNum) : null; var shouldActiveModel = shouldActive && deviceState.isConnected && shouldActiveModelPrefab != null; if (lastModelActivated) { if (!shouldActiveModel || lastActivatedModel != shouldActiveModelNum) { // deactivate custom override model var lastActiveModelObj = m_modelObjs[m_activeModel]; if (lastActiveModelObj != null && SendBeforeModelDeactivatedMessage(lastActiveModelObj, hook)) { lastActiveModelObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); } m_isModelActivated = false; } } if (shouldActiveModel) { if (!lastModelActivated || lastActivatedModel != shouldActiveModelNum) { var shouldActiveModelObj = m_modelObjs[shouldActiveModelNum]; if (shouldActiveModelObj == null) { // instantiate custom override model shouldActiveModelObj = Instantiate(shouldActiveModelPrefab); shouldActiveModelObj.transform.position = Vector3.zero; shouldActiveModelObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (hook.m_overrideMaterial != null) { var renderer = shouldActiveModelObj.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>(); if (renderer != null) { renderer.material = hook.m_overrideMaterial; } } if (hook.m_overrideShader != null) { var renderer = shouldActiveModelObj.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>(); if (renderer != null) { renderer.material.shader = hook.m_overrideShader; } } shouldActiveModelObj.transform.SetParent(hook.transform, false); m_modelObjs[shouldActiveModelNum] = shouldActiveModelObj; SendAfterModelCreatedMessage(shouldActiveModelObj, hook); } // active custom override model if (SendBeforeModelActivatedMessage(shouldActiveModelObj, hook)) { shouldActiveModelObj.gameObject.SetActive(true); } m_activeModel = shouldActiveModelNum; m_isModelActivated = true; } } } public override void CleanUpRenderModel() { if (m_isModelActivated) { // deactivate custom override model var lastActiveModelObj = m_modelObjs[m_activeModel]; if (lastActiveModelObj != null && SendBeforeModelDeactivatedMessage(lastActiveModelObj, hook)) { lastActiveModelObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); } m_isModelActivated = false; } } } public enum Mode { Disable, ViveRole, DeivceIndex, } public enum Index { None = -1, Hmd, Device1, Device2, Device3, Device4, Device5, Device6, Device7, Device8, Device9, Device10, Device11, Device12, Device13, Device14, Device15, } public enum OverrideModelEnum { DontOverride = VRModuleDeviceModel.Unknown, ViveController = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveController, ViveTracker = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveTracker, ViveBaseStation = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveBaseStation, OculusTouchLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusTouchLeft, OculusTouchRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusTouchRight, OculusSensor = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusSensor, KnucklesLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.KnucklesLeft, KnucklesRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.KnucklesRight, DaydreamController = VRModuleDeviceModel.DaydreamController, ViveFocusFinch = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveFocusFinch, OculusGoController = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusGoController, OculusGearVrController = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusGearVrController, WMRControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.WMRControllerLeft, WMRControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.WMRControllerRight, ViveCosmosControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveCosmosControllerLeft, ViveCosmosControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveCosmosControllerRight, OculusQuestControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusQuestControllerLeft, OculusQuestControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusQuestControllerRight, IndexHMD = VRModuleDeviceModel.IndexHMD, // no model IndexControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.IndexControllerLeft, IndexControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.IndexControllerRight, MagicLeapHMD = VRModuleDeviceModel.MagicLeapHMD, // no model MagicLeapController = VRModuleDeviceModel.MagicLeapController, // no model ViveHandTrackingTrackedHandLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveHandTrackingTrackedHandLeft, ViveHandTrackingTrackedHandRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveHandTrackingTrackedHandRight, WaveLegacyTrackedHandLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.WaveLegacyTrackedHandLeft, WaveLegacyTrackedHandRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.WaveLegacyTrackedHandRight, WaveTrackedHandLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.WaveTrackedHandLeft, WaveTrackedHandRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.WaveTrackedHandRight, OculusTrackedHandLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusTrackedHandLeft, OculusTrackedHandRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusTrackedHandRight, ViveFocus3ControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveFocus3ControllerLeft, ViveFocus3ControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveFocus3ControllerRight, ViveFocusChirp = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveFocusChirp, ViveTracker3 = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveTracker3, ViveFlowPhoneController = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveFlowPhoneController, OculusQuest2ControllerLeft = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusQuest2ControllerLeft, OculusQuest2ControllerRight = VRModuleDeviceModel.OculusQuest2ControllerRight, ViveWristTracker = VRModuleDeviceModel.ViveWristTracker, } [SerializeField] private Mode m_mode = Mode.ViveRole; [SerializeField] private ViveRoleProperty m_viveRole = ViveRoleProperty.New(HandRole.RightHand); [SerializeField] private Index m_deviceIndex = Index.Hmd; [SerializeField] private OverrideModelEnum m_overrideModel = OverrideModelEnum.DontOverride; [SerializeField] private Shader m_overrideShader = null; [SerializeField] private Material m_overrideMaterial = null; [SerializeField] private VIUSettings.DeviceModelArray m_customModels = new VIUSettings.DeviceModelArray(); private static Type[] s_creatorTypes; private RenderModelCreator[] m_creators; private int m_activeCreatorIndex = -1; private int m_defaultCreatorIndex = -1; private bool m_isQuiting; private bool m_updateModelLock; public ViveRoleProperty viveRole { get { return m_viveRole; } } [Obsolete] public Transform origin { get; set; } [Obsolete] public bool applyTracking { get; set; } public OverrideModelEnum overrideModel { get { return m_overrideModel; } set { m_overrideModel = value; } } public Shader overrideShader { get { return m_overrideShader; } set { m_overrideShader = value; } } public Material overrideMaterial { get { return m_overrideMaterial; } set { m_overrideMaterial = value; } } public VIUSettings.DeviceModelArray customModels { get { return m_customModels; } } private static void FindAllRenderModelCreatorTypes() { if (s_creatorTypes != null) { return; } var defaultCreatorType = typeof(DefaultRenderModelCreator); try { var creatorBaseType = typeof(RenderModelCreator); var creatorTypes = new List<Type>(); var currentAsm = creatorBaseType.Assembly; var currentAsmName = currentAsm.GetName().Name; foreach (var asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { var referencingCurrentAsm = false; if (asm == currentAsm) { referencingCurrentAsm = true; } else { foreach (var asmref in asm.GetReferencedAssemblies()) { if (asmref.Name == currentAsmName) { referencingCurrentAsm = true; break; } } } if (referencingCurrentAsm) { foreach (var type in asm.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(creatorBaseType) && !t.IsAbstract && t != defaultCreatorType)) { creatorTypes.Add(type); } } } creatorTypes.Sort((x, y) => GetCreatorPriority(x) - GetCreatorPriority(y)); creatorTypes.Add(defaultCreatorType); s_creatorTypes = creatorTypes.ToArray(); } catch (Exception e) { s_creatorTypes = new Type[] { defaultCreatorType }; Debug.LogError(e); } } private static int GetCreatorPriority(Type t, int defaultValue = 0) { foreach (var at in t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CreatorPriorityAttirbute), true)) { return ((CreatorPriorityAttirbute)at).priority; } return defaultValue; } private void Awake() { FindAllRenderModelCreatorTypes(); m_creators = new RenderModelCreator[s_creatorTypes.Length]; for (int i = s_creatorTypes.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { m_creators[i] = (RenderModelCreator)Activator.CreateInstance(s_creatorTypes[i]); m_creators[i].Initialize(this); if (s_creatorTypes[i] == typeof(DefaultRenderModelCreator)) { m_defaultCreatorIndex = i; } } } protected virtual void OnEnable() { UpdateModel(); VRModule.onActiveModuleChanged += OnActiveModuleChanged; VRModule.onControllerRoleChanged += UpdateModel; m_viveRole.onDeviceIndexChanged += OnDeviceIndexChanged; m_viveRole.onRoleChanged += UpdateModel; } protected virtual void OnDisable() { VRModule.onActiveModuleChanged -= OnActiveModuleChanged; VRModule.onControllerRoleChanged -= UpdateModel; m_viveRole.onDeviceIndexChanged -= OnDeviceIndexChanged; m_viveRole.onRoleChanged -= UpdateModel; UpdateModel(); } private void OnDeviceIndexChanged(uint deviceIndex) { UpdateModel(); } private void OnActiveModuleChanged(VRModuleActiveEnum module) { UpdateModel(); } private void OnApplicationQuit() { m_isQuiting = true; } public uint GetModelDeviceIndex() { if (!enabled) { return VRModule.INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX; } uint result; switch (m_mode) { case Mode.ViveRole: result = m_viveRole.GetDeviceIndex(); break; case Mode.DeivceIndex: result = (uint)m_deviceIndex; break; case Mode.Disable: default: return VRModule.INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX; } return result; } private bool m_isCustomModelActivated; private EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, GameObject> m_customModelObjs = new EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, GameObject>(); private VRModuleDeviceModel m_activeCustomModel; public EnumArray<VRModuleDeviceModel, GameObject>.IReadOnly loadedCuustomModels { get { return m_customModelObjs.ReadOnly; } } private static void SendAfterModelCreatedMessage(GameObject rootObj, RenderModelHook hook) { var iList = ListPool<ICustomModel>.Get(); try { rootObj.GetComponentsInChildren(true, iList); for (int i = 0, imax = iList.Count; i < imax; ++i) { iList[i].OnAfterModelCreated(hook); } } finally { ListPool<ICustomModel>.Release(iList); } } private static bool SendBeforeModelActivatedMessage(GameObject rootObj, RenderModelHook hook) { var result = true; var iList = ListPool<ICustomModel>.Get(); try { rootObj.GetComponentsInChildren(true, iList); for (int i = 0, imax = iList.Count; i < imax; ++i) { result &= iList[i].OnBeforeModelActivated(hook); } } finally { ListPool<ICustomModel>.Release(iList); } return result; } private static bool SendBeforeModelDeactivatedMessage(GameObject rootObj, RenderModelHook hook) { var result = true; var iList = ListPool<ICustomModel>.Get(); try { rootObj.GetComponentsInChildren(true, iList); for (int i = 0, imax = iList.Count; i < imax; ++i) { result &= iList[i].OnBeforeModelDeactivated(hook); } } finally { ListPool<ICustomModel>.Release(iList); } return result; } [ContextMenu("Update Model")] public void UpdateModel() { if (m_isQuiting) { return; } if (m_updateModelLock) { Debug.LogWarning("Recursive UpdateModel call is not supported"); return; } m_updateModelLock = true; var deviceState = VRModule.GetDeviceState(GetModelDeviceIndex()); var lastActiveCustomModelNum = m_activeCustomModel; var lastActiveCustomModelObj = m_customModelObjs[m_activeCustomModel]; var lastCustomModelActive = m_isCustomModelActivated; var shouldActiveCustomModelNum = deviceState.deviceModel; var shouldActiveCustomModelPrefab = m_customModels[shouldActiveCustomModelNum]; if (shouldActiveCustomModelPrefab == null) { shouldActiveCustomModelPrefab = VIUSettings.GetOverrideDeviceModel(shouldActiveCustomModelNum); } var shouldActiveCustomModel = enabled && deviceState.isConnected && shouldActiveCustomModelPrefab != null; var lastCreatorActive = m_activeCreatorIndex >= 0; var shouldActiveCreator = enabled && !shouldActiveCustomModel; var shouldActiveCreatorIndex = -1; if (shouldActiveCreator) { // determin which creator should be activated shouldActiveCreatorIndex = m_defaultCreatorIndex; if (m_overrideModel == OverrideModelEnum.DontOverride) { for (int i = 0, imax = m_creators.Length; i < imax; ++i) { if (m_creators[i].shouldActive) { shouldActiveCreatorIndex = i; break; } } } } if (lastCustomModelActive) { if (!shouldActiveCustomModel || lastActiveCustomModelNum != shouldActiveCustomModelNum) { // deactivate custom override model if (lastActiveCustomModelObj != null && SendBeforeModelDeactivatedMessage(lastActiveCustomModelObj, this)) { lastActiveCustomModelObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); } m_isCustomModelActivated = false; } } if (lastCreatorActive) { if (!shouldActiveCreator || m_activeCreatorIndex != shouldActiveCreatorIndex) { // clean up old creator m_creators[m_activeCreatorIndex].CleanUpRenderModel(); m_activeCreatorIndex = -1; } } if (shouldActiveCustomModel) { if (!lastCustomModelActive || lastActiveCustomModelNum != shouldActiveCustomModelNum) { var shouldActiveCustomModelObj = m_customModelObjs[shouldActiveCustomModelNum]; if (shouldActiveCustomModelObj == null) { // instantiate custom override model shouldActiveCustomModelObj = Instantiate(shouldActiveCustomModelPrefab); shouldActiveCustomModelObj.transform.position = Vector3.zero; shouldActiveCustomModelObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; shouldActiveCustomModelObj.transform.SetParent(transform, false); m_customModelObjs[shouldActiveCustomModelNum] = shouldActiveCustomModelObj; SendAfterModelCreatedMessage(shouldActiveCustomModelObj, this); } // active custom override model if (SendBeforeModelActivatedMessage(shouldActiveCustomModelObj, this)) { shouldActiveCustomModelObj.gameObject.SetActive(true); } m_activeCustomModel = shouldActiveCustomModelNum; m_isCustomModelActivated = true; } } if (shouldActiveCreator) { m_activeCreatorIndex = shouldActiveCreatorIndex; // update active creator m_creators[m_activeCreatorIndex].UpdateRenderModel(); } m_updateModelLock = false; } } } @chengnay Hi, sorry for the late reply. I am getting the error on line 151. HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive.RenderModelHook/DefaultRenderModelCreator:UpdateDefaultRenderModel (bool) (at Assets/HTC.UnityPlugin/ViveInputUtility/Scripts/Misc/RenderModelHook.cs:151
  19. I am looking for a case that fits Vive Focus 3. Bonus if it fit Oculus Quest 2 as well!
  20. Hi, I am working cross-platform with Oculus Quest 2 and Vive Focus 3. I am not using OpenXR, and I am not planning to use it at the moment. I've been switching back and forth between XR Plug-in Management Plug-in Providers to Oculus and WaveXR when I built for corresponding APK, and it worked until recently. Suddenly, the Oculus APK has a problem when loaded into Quest 2 headset. I am able to see the app. However, I only see the still image. I cannot rotate the headset; the still image will keep displaying on the screen when I move my head. I am not sure what is causing this issue suddenly. I deleted AndroidManifest on Plugin > Android > AndroidManifest I tried so many things, such as comparing player setting with another app, loading to different Quest 2 headsets, creating different project in Unity and testing it, etc. Does anyone have similar problem? How can I resolve this issue?
  21. @chengnay ok, good to know. Thank you for your response. I have one additional question. Is it possible to build for Oculus using WaveXR provider? I tried it, but the Oculus app is not launching after I built it. I am wondering if I need to do additional step.
  22. @chengnay I was able to display the controller and the controller tips with Focus 3.I have 2 questions. 1. Is there anyway hight the color of the menu button? I know that it highlights when I press the button, but I want to highlight the color when it's still. 2. Can I only display text on a few buttons, such as only the menu and trigger buttons?
  23. Is there a way to display to VR application/Unity which physical controller button is pressed? For this image, it display the controller but not showing which button is pressed. I am wondering if there is a way to do that. For example, if I press the menu button, it highlights blue.
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