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  1. Thank you for the answer. Looks like the original focus developers kit is just a brick. There is no availability of controllers anywhere In the world that I can find. I have scoured different Chinese marketplaces, worldwide Google search, any and every market I can find, I have checked. And I suppose there is no tricks to use the SD card to force and software changes to it since there is no way to enable developer mode. I have tried alot of things and find it difficult to admit defeat. I guess the only thing left to do is take it apart and see what is inside then take it target practicing.
  2. I need controllers too. of anything that will get me past the initial screen of trying to connect controller. I think if we can enable developer mode, we could install support for other controllers. like Xbox gamepad. when I talked to support, they said it was end of life product and they couldn't help with anything. they said there were no other controllers compatible. I call bullshit. the person helping me needed to talk to their supervisor. came back with zero answers. I'm not a programmer, but i am sure there is a way to get around this. its crap that the headset is bricked because they don't want to support it. I have been trying to learn about programming. slow going. I will start buying controllers from other headsets. see if I can make anything work.
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