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Dan Lauer

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  1. Hi CQ, I'm not sure if this will help, but I figure those of us who have bloodied ourselves by trying to get the Focus 3 to work with Unreal should stick together 😉 I'm currently developing a VR simulation using UE5.1. I had a terrible time getting the input mappings to work. What I found was that any mapping that included modifier, like "Dead Zone" or "Positive only", would not work with the focus 3 mappings. This was the case with both OpenXR and Wave. The weird part was that removing modifier did not fix the problem, I had to completely delete that Input Action and mapping, restart UE and then recreate the mapping without the modifier. I was able to completely replicate the problem several times, so submitted a support ticket to Vive, but never got a response. Honestly, it seems that HTC just isn't that interested in making their product work with Unreal. Since my sim depends on physics and has a large number of actors, I couldn't get the performance we required, so I moved to a PCVR solution rather than installing an apk on the headset. So, I no longer worry about the Vive mappings. When running a Windows executable or UE VR preview the connection to the headset is via VBS and SteamXR. I think Steam just uses the Occulus mappings for everything. So, that's all I need. I can't really tell from your screenshots if you are using input modifiers, or if had used them. But, if so, you may want to try my suggestion. Best of luck to you. Dan
  2. OK, I figured out how to submit the issue inside the headset. (Typing with the controllers is so much fun)
  3. I agree that it "should", but it doesn't. If I "Quit Content" from the Vive menu and then restart VBS in the headset, it immediately reconnects to the last server it was connected to. Even if I completely power down the headset, it still reconnects to the last connected server. I am running VBS 1.11.8c Beta on one PC and the standard 1.11.8c on the other.. The Focus 3 is Release Version 5.9 and System Version 5.0.999.820.
  4. I wound be more than happy to do that. How do I report an issue? I've searched and can't find it anywhere on this support site. And how do I save the logs?
  5. I'm having an issue where after working with the HMD for a few hours, first the controllers will stop updating their location and just a few minutes later the will stop rotating as well. Restarting the headset does not resolve the issue. I need to turn it off completely and back on. I also noticed that when this happens the faceplate of the headset gets extremely hot to the touch. ( I estimate around 110 degrees Fahrenheit ) If I just power cycle the head set, the problem will return in 10 minutes or so. If I let it cool completely, I can get another hour or two out of it. Are others having this problem? Is it a know problem? Should I report this as a hardware failure?
  6. I have VBS running on two different PCs. Is there anyway to disconnect the headset from one VBS and reconnect to the other. Right now, the only way that I have found is to stop the VBS server on the PC where I am currently connected, wait for the "network dropped" error message in the HMD, and then reconnect. While this may not seem all that difficult, I am developing in Unreal using two PCs. UE establishes it's connection to the OpenXR runtime at project load. So, stopping VBS stops SteamVR which requires me to restart Unreal. Which can take a few minutes to reload the project.
  7. There seems to be a bug with the OpenXR plugin for Unreal 5.1 and running on the Vive Focus 3. I'm using the UE Enhanced input system and have set up the right thumbstick to teleport using the Y axis, rotate the player with the X axis. This works fine assuming no Input modifiers. But I really need to add "dead zone" input modifier. Otherwise, it is very easy to accidentally teleport when rotating. This is standard practice which works great with HMDs from other manufactures. I have communicated with other developers who are having the exact same problem. The weird thing is that removing the modifier does not fix the problem. I need to remove the Input Mapping Context for the action and then delete the action completely, recompile and then put it all back without the modifier. But we need the modifier for it to work properly. I've been able to recreate this problem over and over with multiple projects. This needs to get fixed. Is there a better place to report this bug?
  8. I've been struggling with this for over a week now. Reading all the docs and scouring every forum and Discord and Reddit channel I can find for any information. We are not the only one's having this issues. Good luck getting a response from HTC. People complain about the Unreal docs, but I think they are amazing compared to HTC.
  9. Hey @dario, where does one apply for access to this forum
  10. I am developing a VR simulation in Unreal. My target is for a limited number of users, all using Vive Focus 3 headsets. The previous reply from @Alex_HTC would indicate that I would be better off using the Wave SDK over OpenXR. But the Wave has not been released for UE 5.1 (or 5.2 for that matter). When I asked about it back in February on the Wave forum, I was told the new version would be available in March, but it still has not been release. When I asked again, I was told to use the OpenXR plugin, so I have. My question is should we expect a performance difference between the Open XR and the Wave plug-ins? I ask this because my performance with OpenXR is abysmal. My sim that runs at 70 fps as a stand-alone windows app, runs at about 10 fps on the Vive and will frequently lock up the headset. Even after spending a week trying to tune things be reducing geometry and simplifying shaders I was only able to reach 15 fps with lots of stuttering. Profiling on windows shows frame times of about 9 ms for the game threads and about 5 ms for the GPU. On the Focus I'm seeing about 10-11 for the game threads and around 65-70 for the graphic draws. Any help of advice is appreciated
  11. @Tony PH Lin March is ticking away... any updates on this.
  12. Thanks Tony! I guessing that one of your issues is getting it all to work with the new UE Enhanced Input system. I would be thrilled to try out the Beta version.
  13. Does anyone have any insight into when the WaveVR plugin will be available for Unreal 5.1? I have a full simulation built in UE5.1 and need to get it working with the Vive Focus 3. Since there is no easy way to downgrade a UE project, I need to decide if I should completely rebuild in 5.0 (which could take a week or so), or just wait for ... well that's the question.
  14. Does anyone have any insight into when the WaveVR plugin will be available for Unreal 5.1? I have a full simulation built in UE5.1 and need to get it working with the Vive Focus 3. Since there is no easy way to downgrade a UE project, I need to decide if I should completely rebuild in 5.0 (which could take a week or so), or just wait for ... well that's the question.
  15. My apologies for posting this in the wrong forum. I just discovered the Wave SDK forum and will report there. If possible, the Admin should feel free to delete this post.
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