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Everything posted by MarijnSELink

  1. I'm using unity v2021.3.24f1 and Wave XR Plugin 4.3.0-r5 Edit - Forgot to mention that I'm developing for the Vive XR Elite
  2. Hi, I'm trying to get a basic AR demo with a 3D model on the floor so you can walk around it and inspect it from all sides. I am stuck in between the Wave XR tutorials and other unity AR tutorials. I got passthrough underlay set up, and imported my model. Problem is, when I walk around, the model moves a bit as well. I guess the anchoring of the model to the floor plane is not set up correctly. My project is structured like this: - Directional light - XR Origin - Camera Offset - Main Camera - MachineModel The XR Origin has the following subcomponents: - XR Origin script - Input Action Manager script - Wave Rig script What am I missing? I found unity tutorials (like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3OCUE9TwZk) where AR Anchor Managers and AR Anchors are used, but I think these are from AR Foundation and cannot be used with the Wave XR plugin? I suppose I need to do something similar, but with Wave XR components? Any tips are greatly appreciated!
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