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  1. Hi @chengnay Here is a zip of the sample project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IIPgMKVyP0hGph4NS-aWg2lDjeLsC8NX/view?usp=sharing
  2. Hi, Is there any way to enable object-based tracking on the Vive XR Elite? I know that markers and scene perception are available. Would it be possible to use 3rd party solutions such as Vuforia or Wikitude to access the camera on the XR Elite and track objects?
  3. Hi, Whenever I enable Passthrough underlay, the particle systems in the scene disappear. What is a way to make sure that they stay visible while using MR features?
  4. @chengnay Please add this to the documentation, I wasted a lot of time trying to make this work
  5. Hi @chengnay, I am using Unity Editor 2021.3.25f1 and Vive Wave SDK 5.3.0-r.26.1 Yes, I am running it using Direct Preview. I just tested and when I build an APK and install it on the device, the passthrough works but it does not work using Direct Preview.
  6. Hi @chengnay, Yes, I did but I still get the same result. I see the following warning in Unity, maybe it is relevant: "OnRenderImage() possibly didn't write anything to the destination texture! UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)" The project is running on Android.
  7. I am trying to use the XR Elite's color passthrough to build an AR demo but cannot get it to work. I have configured my project according to the documentation and have added the Wave Rig to an empty scene. The project runs fine with direct preview and everything works except the passthrough. I am following the instructions in this tutorial: https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRPassthrough.html I created a new script where I set the "Interop.WVR_ShowPassthroughUnderlay" to true in the start function and the script is attached to the camera in the Wave Rig gameobject. Still, I only see a black screen when the app runs. I tried running the example scene for passthrough in Samples - Essence in the XR plugin but again I get a back screen instead of the camera feed. Any help is appreciated!
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