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Munzer Abusham

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Posts posted by Munzer Abusham

  1. I am getting this error" NotSupportedException: XR Management package couldn't be found, please make sure you have the XR Management package added to your project through the Package Management window." when trying to build into VIVE focus 3 even though I already have the package installed. Any idea why I would get this error?


  2. I've been trying to solve this issue for sometime now. I am trying to read eye tracking data to use for an experiment that I am working on using the eye tracking accessory for Focus 3. I've followed this tutorial here to enable eye tracking inside Unity but I can't seem to get it to work. I keep getting the following error with no data output:

    Wave.Essence.Eye.EyeManager StartEyeTrackingLock() result: WVR_Error_FeatureNotSupport, status: UNSUPPORT

    This looks to me like Unity is not detecting the eye tracking accessory but I am not sure if it is actually the case. Anyone running into the same issue or know how to fix it? I tried various version of Unity including the latest official release but the error persists.

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