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  1. Thank you so much for clarifying this!
  2. Using WVR_SetFrameRate seems to work, I was just wondering if just calling WVR_SetFrameRate is the correct way to set framerate, or if Application.targetFrameRate should also be set?
  3. Thank you for reply. My question was about the Wave driver interop call: WVR_SetFrameRate which is explained on this page https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/WVR_SetFrameRate.html How does that work together with Application.targetFrameRate?
  4. Developing in Unity 2022 using the Wave SDK (not OpenXR). I need our application to run at the lowest available framerate, so I use the interop WVR_GetAvailableFrameRates to get the available framerates, then set it with a call to WVR_SetFrameRate(lowestFrameRate); What is the difference between doing that, and setting the framerate through Unity with Application.targetFrameRate = (int)lowestFrameRate; Should I do both? Or is Application.targetFrameRate ignored?
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