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  1. Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.
  2. Hi, I got my VIVE XR Elite, where two Focus 3 controllers are included. I suppose they are Focus 3 according to this https://www.vive.com/ca/support/focus3/category_howto/about-controllers.html because the layout matches exactly to what I have. I started to utilize this new headset in my app and I wanted to use those Thumb Rest inputs. When googling, I saw that there should be some capacitive sensors in there. I am using VIVE Business Streaming 1.10.12 and SteamVR 1.21.12. It seems impossible to find anything about this kind of input. SteamVR reports the controllers to be vive_cosmos_controller, which is weird. I'd expect to see vive_focus3_controller or something similar. I have looked through all the files in C:\Program Files\VIVE Business Streaming\RRDriver\htc_business_streaming\resources\input but did not find anything relevant to the thumb rest area. Also, I haven't seen this input working in any VIVE app. Otherwise the controllers work fine. Any ideas? Thanks, Stez
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