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Nika Kharashvili

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  1. My teammate has these settings but he is still facing the same issue @VIVE_chengnay
  2. No, If I'm not streaming project won't crush after exiting the playmode @VIVE_chengnay
  3. Sadly not, I've already had this issue for 2 days now, and my teammates are facing the same issue after sharing the project.
  4. SteamVR: 2.7.4 SteamVR Unity Plugin: 2.8.0 (sdk 2.0.10) Vive Open XR: 2.4.1 Vive Hub: 2.1.3 @VIVE_chengnay
  5. Thanks for the fast response! @VIVE_chengnay 1. It's a 100% case. 2. I Tested the hand Gesture scene but the scene isn't the case Even if I Create a new scene without anything inside of it, and try to enter and exit the playmode on exit it still quits the project. keep in mind this only happens when I've the hand tracking Enabled in my openxr settings. Thanks.
  6. In my unity project I'm using, Vive Open XR Hand Tracking and Face Tracking, While Hand Tracking is Enabled, and I Press "Exit Playmode" unity project closes (even the Unity bug reporter won't pop up after the project closes). I've updated all of my hard/software to the most recent versions. I'm using Steam VR to Stream the content from the unity editor. I've tried creating a new project but the problem still occurs in the sample project as well. Unity won't log any errors in the console. I've already Tried to update unity version but even that won't help. Would love to hear your thoughts about this bug... Using: unity 2022.3.41f You can find my setup and Editor Log file down below. Thanks! Editor_1.log
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